Hello all,
If you have read this series of blogs and come along this long, that's too great. In this final blog, I would like to show the conditions of the sensors and the
enclosure after two months. The ultrasonic water level sensor which was deployed had a huge fight with nature and atmosphere.
This is the condition of the sensor after almost two months. Looks like the transmitter and receiver speakers are kinda damaged due to rust.
But thanks to this sensor I was able to find the leak and fix it.
Here's another image showing the damage. LHS is the new sensor and RHS is the old one.
This is the final deployment photo of the water level sensor
This is the final deployment photo of the air quality monitor
This is the final demo video to show how the case withstood all the natural forces.
#Blog1 Just Encase challenge: Getting started and deciding the architecture..
#Blog 2 Just Encase challenge : Building a LoRa based water level sensor and a demo.
#Blog 3 Just Encase Challenge : Setup of water level sensor and demo.
Blog 4 Getting started with the airquality monitor project.
#Blog 5 Just Encase Challenge : Final blog with the results and enclosure conditions.