The element14 ESSENTIALS of Secure MCUs for IoT Edge Applications discusses the purpose, function, and challenges of edge applications, and will introduce you to the LPC5500 Series of Microcontrollers. To extend the knowledge covered in the main module, this supplementary guide discusses the types of related components that can be used for products or prototyping.
Development Board
The LPCXpresso55S69 development board provides the ideal platform for evaluation of and development with the LPC55S6x MCU based on the Arm Cortex-M33 architecture. The board includes a high performance on-board debug probe, audio subsystem and accelerometer, with several options for adding off-the-shelf add-on boards for networking, sensors, displays and other interfaces.
The LPCXpresso55S69 is fully supported by the MCUXpresso suite of tools, which provides device drivers, middleware and examples to allow rapid development, plus configuration tools and an optional free IDE. MCUXpresso software is compatible with tools from popular tool vendors such as Arm and IAR, and the LPCXpresso55S69 may also be used with the popular debug probes available from SEGGER.
Related Components
The LPC55S6x is an ARM Cortex-M33 based microcontroller for embedded applications. These devices include an ARM Cortex-M33 coprocessor, CASPER Crypto/FFT engine, PowerQuad hardware accelerator for DSP functions, up to 320 KB of on-chip SRAM, up to 640 KB on-chip flash, PRINCE module for on-the-fly flash encryption/decryption, high-speed and full-speed USB host and device interface with crystal-less operation for full-speed, SD/MMC/SDIO interface, five general-purpose timers, one SCTimer/PWM, one RTC/alarm timer, one 24-bit Multi-Rate Timer (MRT), a Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT), nine flexible serial communication peripherals (which can be configured as a USART, SPI, high speed SPI, I2C, or I2S interface), Programmable Logic Unit (PLU), one 16-bit 1.0 Msamples/sec ADC, comparator, and temperature sensor.
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The LPC55S6x is an ARM Cortex-M33 based microcontroller for embedded applications. These devices include an ARM Cortex-M33 coprocessor, CASPER Crypto/FFT engine, PowerQuad hardware accelerator for DSP functions, up to 320 KB of on-chip SRAM, up to 640 KB on-chip flash, PRINCE module for on-the-fly flash encryption/decryption, high-speed and full-speed USB host and device interface with crystal-less operation for full-speed, SD/MMC/SDIO interface, five general-purpose timers, one SCTimer/PWM, one RTC/alarm timer, one 24-bit Multi-Rate Timer (MRT), a Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT), nine flexible serial communication peripherals (which can be configured as a USART, SPI, high speed SPI, I2C, or I2S interface), Programmable Logic Unit (PLU), one 16-bit 1.0 Msamples/sec ADC, comparator, and temperature sensor.
The LPC55S6x is an ARM Cortex-M33 based microcontroller for embedded applications. These devices include an ARM Cortex-M33 coprocessor, CASPER Crypto/FFT engine, PowerQuad hardware accelerator for DSP functions, up to 320 KB of on-chip SRAM, up to 640 KB on-chip flash, PRINCE module for on-the-fly flash encryption/decryption, high-speed and full-speed USB host and device interface with crystal-less operation for full-speed, SD/MMC/SDIO interface, five general-purpose timers, one SCTimer/PWM, one RTC/alarm timer, one 24-bit Multi-Rate Timer (MRT), a Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT), nine flexible serial communication peripherals (which can be configured as a USART, SPI, high speed SPI, I2C, or I2S interface), Programmable Logic Unit (PLU), one 16-bit 1.0 Msamples/sec ADC, comparator, and temperature sensor.
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The LPC55S6x is an ARM Cortex-M33 based microcontroller for embedded applications. These devices include an ARM Cortex-M33 coprocessor, CASPER Crypto/FFT engine, PowerQuad hardware accelerator for DSP functions, up to 320 KB of on-chip SRAM, up to 640 KB on-chip flash, PRINCE module for on-the-fly flash encryption/decryption, high-speed and full-speed USB host and device interface with crystal-less operation for full-speed, SD/MMC/SDIO interface, five general-purpose timers, one SCTimer/PWM, one RTC/alarm timer, one 24-bit Multi-Rate Timer (MRT), a Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT), nine flexible serial communication peripherals (which can be configured as a USART, SPI, high speed SPI, I2C, or I2S interface), Programmable Logic Unit (PLU), one 16-bit 1.0 Msamples/sec ADC, comparator, and temperature sensor.
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