Unfortunately, after reviewing the appeal you recently submitted, we think it's best to remove your account.
We appreciate your participation in the community and in the joint effort to keep content interesting, safe, and enjoyable for everyone. In regards to the first part:
In all seriousness I have not ever posted anything to the site, certainly not within that last several years so I don't know what I may have done to get banned. Please at least enlighten me. Did I perhaps pick a username that was used in the past for bad things? Is it matched to my email? If that's true I need to know as the login must have been broken by others. I'm a 62 year old man and I have no interest in causing trouble - but I'm curious what has been done on my behalf. I have no problem selecting another username but if my email has been banned, that's a different problem entirely.
Hello, Please set a full first name and last name on your account. This helps with account recovery should you need it in the future. If you have any problems please post in Feedback and Support: /members-area/support/ - Thanks.