I want to Schedule the backup from Mon-Thurs at 5pm - 6pm. The ardunio is going to Control the power to the SATA to USB Adapter. How would i write the code for Monday at 5 -6pm send signal to contact core.
I want to Schedule the backup from Mon-Thurs at 5pm - 6pm. The ardunio is going to Control the power to the SATA to USB Adapter. How would i write the code for Monday at 5 -6pm send signal to contact core.
Well. There are several steps to go thru. If you want the backup at a certain time of day, you’ll need a real-time-clock. The arduino won’t know human time. Something like this would help. https://www.adafruit.com/product/3013
or you’d need something that can connect to the internet for real time like am esp32.