Hi MZ users,
I could get the Microzed RevC work with Vivado 2014.2 recently released. This is the observation, if I generate a bitfile with just the PS system and program the device through a Digilent HS2 USB2JTAG adapter, the PS7 system boots the Linux which can be seen through the TTermPro console. However, when I try to insert additional logic ( a simple FCLK_CLK0 /2 divider), the PS7 system fails to boot. How would I debug the internal nodes with ILA, First I tried setting up some nets as "Mark Debug" in source wrappers and then inserting the ILA core during synthesis / implementation. However, doesn't look like the PS7 system likes this at all, any additional logic in PL causes the PS7 not to boot! Anyone who has tried this with Micorzed, would appreciate a simple example on how to insert an ILA and debug on Microzed.