I've tried every way (see "Xilinx ZYNQ 7000+Vivado2015.2 series (four) three ways of GPIO: MIO, EMIO, AXI_GPIO" Link: https://www.programmersought.com/article/1631784927/
to write a digital output in one of the Pmod Compatible Expansion Headers JC: ( pin 7, JC4-5 P, JX1-53, Bank 34:-T20) in microzedboard embedded vision carrier card mapped to Zynq PL I/0.
but without success. However, I have had success writing digital outputs in the microzedboard PMOD connector (MOD_DO-MIO 11).
In Vivado assigned this pin as GPIO (version 1) or AXI_GPIO (version 2) connected to EMIO.
I have no clear which pin number should be assigned in application.c Vitis application file.
For MIO pins the same number is right but for EMIO pins I'm not sure if the right number is 53 (for thr above cited pin) or other number.
Otherwise, in the Carrier Card User's guide it is said that, quote: "The Embedded Vision Carrier card contains a switch, SW1 that allows you to select between on LEDs and PUSHBUTTONS on board the carrier card or to remove these from circuit by toggling the switch. This allows the end user to access a PMOD on board the MicroZed". I changed the sw1 on / off but no way.
Any help about this would be very thankfull.