Hi all:
I use the petalinux-boot jtag mode but there are some error in here about eMMC.
I use the speedway petalinux bit stream and Avnet platform-top.h and wifi setting.
Hi all:
I use the petalinux-boot jtag mode but there are some error in here about eMMC.
I use the speedway petalinux bit stream and Avnet platform-top.h and wifi setting.
Hi hugoliu56,
I am not familiar with booting PetaLinux on MiniZed as part of the PetaLinux flow. Is there a tutorial document that you are following that shows how to do this?
Have you been able to boot MiniZed from QSPI and eMMC successfully using the same PetaLinux files?
Best Regards,
Could you please describe the steps that you took that lead up to these messages? Does your MiniZed still boot PetaLinux normally on power-up? What is your JTAG mode switch setting?
Wthen I build petalinux project finish and use the petalinux command (by root) as below.
petalinux-boot --jtag --prebuilt 3 --fpga --bitstream design_1_wrapper.bit
It is happed. Now, I program into QSPI flash. It is ok. So, I passed the step.
Thanks for your help.