I think minized is a cool project, and I want to use it as our core board. We used microzed as a core board before, however we prefer single core, low power 7z007s over the 7z010 on microzed.
The questions is, we need ethernet for implementing the etherCat protocol and more PL IO on the backpane. Wireless function can be left for OTG upgrade. We want put power and IOs altogether on the back of minized and left with only 1 PMOD and 1 JTAG on the front of minized. And if possible, we would like to put some storages on the PL side for side-loading some applications and execute them directly using PL state-machine.
I have only layout 4 PCBs using KiCAD, I do not know wether it is possible to redesign minized in this way, or could you guide me this redesign procedures?