Hello there,
I received a zedboard from a co-worker to familiarize myself with Linux systems
(I have had no experience previous to this) and followed the getting started
guide(which is quite nicely written by the way) and made it to demo 1 without
any serious roadblocks.
Upon getting to step 3 which instructs the user to use command
"read_sw"(Demo1/pg15)in the Tera Term console window. To which I got the
error: "-/bin/ash: read_sw: not found". My assumption thus far is that a
previous co-worker played around with the default files to the point where such
commands were no longer implemented.
Anyways, I was wondering if I could somehow reset the board/files back to
factory setting so I can further educate myself about Linux stuff on your nifty
UPDATE: I found some files that appear to be the original files shipped and loaded them up into the SD card. Now Tera Term doesn't even load anything. I've tried different jumper settings and updated drivers from Cypress but nothing seems to be working... Help?