This is a project for interfacing PIR sensor module to FRDM-KL43Z using Kinetis Design Studio 3.0 Kinetis SDK 1.2 Processor-Expert
The module contains 3 pins for connection with system. The two of them are vcc 5v and Gnd. The third one is output from this module. The signal goes high when motion is detected. The output signal is 3.3v compliant. From your system after providing power you check the 3 rd pin for motion detection
Delay time is the time during which the output remains changed after the change caused by a detected motion. Or the delay between two subsequent motion detections.
Below are the features of the sensor module:
- wide operating voltage range: default voltage DC 3.6V ~ 20V
- Temperature compensation ( optional, not factory setting ) : In the summer, when the ambient temperature rises to 30 ~ 32 , detection distance is slightly shorter, temperature compensation can be used for certain performance compensation.
- high output signal: the circuit can be easily implemented with various docking.
- Micropower : quiescent current <50 microamps, especially for battery-powered automatic control products.
- with induction blocking time ( default setting : 2.5S block time ) : sensor module output every time after induction (high variableTo the low level), you can set up a blockade followed by time period, during this time period does not accept any inductive sensor signals.This function can be achieved " sensor output time " and " blocking time "interval between the work can be applied to interval detection products; while this feature can effectively inhibit the load switching process for a variety of interference. ( This time can be set to zero seconds- tens of seconds )
Hardware details of STBC-AGM01 9-axis Sensor
It has FXAS21002C 3-axis gyroscope and FXOS8700C 6-axis integrated e-compass as part of the Freescale Freedom development platform
Schematic can be referred HERE
Hardware interface to KL43Z Freedom board:
We are connecting
I2CSDA0 (9) of STBC to I2C1SDA of KL43Z freedom board i.e > PTE0 (SDA) J2-18
I2CSCL0 (10) of STBC to I2C1SCL of KL43Z freedom board i.e > PTE1 (SCL) J2-20
The interrupt pins of the sensor are connected as follows:
INT1- 8700 (3) STBC > J1-6 > PTD3
INT1-21002 (6) > J1-12 > PTA5
I2CSDA0 (9) | I2C1SDA : PTE0 (SDA) J2-18 |
I2CSCL0 (10) | I2C1SCL : PTE1 (SCL) J2-20 |
INT1- 8700 (3) | J1-6 : PTD3 |
INT1-21002 (6) | J1-12 : PTA5 |
The corresponding 7-bit I2C slave address of STBC sensor board are
FXAS21002C is 0x20
FXOS8700CQ is 0x1E
We are connecting the signal pins of the sensor module as shown below:
VCC > J3-10 > P5V-USB
GND > J3-14
OUT > J4-12 > PTC-1 port pin
PIR- sensor | FRDM-KL43Z |
VCC | J3-10 > P5V-USB |
GND | J3-14 |
OUT | J4-12 > PTC-1 |
Components required in our project:
We are using 4 components for this project requirement:
- fsl_i2c
- fsl_gpio
- fsl_debug_console
- wait
Component fsl_i2c:
This component is configured with sensor interface with two devices FXOS8700CQ and FXAS21002C as shown below:
Pin PTE0 and PTE1 is connected to I2C SDA/SCL pins.
Component fsl_gpio:
Connections made to fsl_gpio component are
We have connected PTC-1 port pin as an input signal which is connected to ‘OUT’ pin signal of the sensor
Pin PTD3 is connected to INT1-8700 of STBC-AGM01 sensor board
Pin PTA5 is connected to INT1-21002 of STBC-AGM01 sensor board
Component fsl_debug_console:
We have connected debug UART to display the motion sensor output on the terminal
The connection is as shown below:
Component wait
We have added this component to add delay in our software
Finally our main c program to perform this action is as shown below:
/*lint -restore Enable MISRA rule (6.3) checking. */ { /*** Processor Expert internal initialization. DON'T REMOVE THIS CODE!!! ***/ PE_low_level_init(); /*** End of Processor Expert internal initialization. ***/ FXOS8700CQ_DataReady = 1; FXAS21002C_DataReady = 1; FXOS8700CQ_Init(); FXAS21002C_Init(); debug_printf("Intruder based ACCEL/MAG/GYRO/TEMP sensing\t"); debug_printf("If Intruder is detected then sensor data are displayed\r\n"); unsigned int count = 0; for(;;) { while(GPIO_DRV_ReadPinInput(J4_12)) { WAIT1_Waitms(500); if (FXOS8700CQ_DataReady){ FXOS8700CQ_ReadRegisters(OUT_X_MSB_REG, 12, AccelMagData); // Read FXOS8700CQ data output registers 0x01-0x06 and 0x33 - 0x38 // 14-bit accelerometer data Xout_Accel_14_bit = ((int16_t) (AccelMagData[0]<<8 | AccelMagData[1])) >> 2; // Compute 14-bit X-axis acceleration output value Yout_Accel_14_bit = ((int16_t) (AccelMagData[2]<<8 | AccelMagData[3])) >> 2; // Compute 14-bit Y-axis acceleration output value Zout_Accel_14_bit = ((int16_t) (AccelMagData[4]<<8 | AccelMagData[5])) >> 2; // Compute 14-bit Z-axis acceleration output value debug_printf("Accel data X:%d Y:%d Z:%d ",Xout_Accel_14_bit, Yout_Accel_14_bit, Zout_Accel_14_bit); FXOS8700CQ_ReadRegisters(OUT_X_MSB_REG, 12, AccelMagData); Xout_Mag_16_bit = (int16_t) (AccelMagData[6]<<8 | AccelMagData[7]); // Compute 16-bit X-axis magnetic output value Yout_Mag_16_bit = (int16_t) (AccelMagData[8]<<8 | AccelMagData[9]); // Compute 16-bit Y-axis magnetic output value Zout_Mag_16_bit = (int16_t) (AccelMagData[10]<<8 | AccelMagData[11]); // Compute 16-bit Z-axis magnetic output value FXOS8700CQ_DataReady = 0; debug_printf("Mag data X:%d Y:%d Z:%d ",Xout_Mag_16_bit, Yout_Mag_16_bit, Zout_Mag_16_bit); WAIT1_Waitms(10); FXAS21002C_DataReady = 1; } if (FXAS21002C_DataReady ) { FXAS21002C_ReadRegisters(GYRO_OUT_X_MSB_REG, 6, GyroData); // Read FXAS21002C data output registers 0x01-0x06 FXAS21002C_DataReady = 0; // 16-bit gyro data Xout_Gyro_16_bit = (int16_t) (GyroData[0]<<8 | GyroData[1]); // Compute 16-bit X-axis output value Yout_Gyro_16_bit = (int16_t) (GyroData[2]<<8 | GyroData[3]); // Compute 16-bit Y-axis output value Zout_Gyro_16_bit = (int16_t) (GyroData[4]<<8 | GyroData[5]); // Compute 16-bit Z-axis output value // Gyro data converted to dps Roll = (float) (Xout_Gyro_16_bit) / SENSITIVITY_250; // Compute X-axis output value in dps Pitch = (float) (Yout_Gyro_16_bit) / SENSITIVITY_250; // Compute Y-axis output value in dps Yaw = (float) (Zout_Gyro_16_bit) / SENSITIVITY_250; // Compute Z-axis output value in dps // FXAS21002C_DataReady = 0; debug_printf("Gyro data X axis:%d Y axis:%d Z axis:%d",Xout_Gyro_16_bit, Yout_Gyro_16_bit, Zout_Gyro_16_bit); FXAS21002C_ReadRegisters(GYRO_TEMP_REG, 1, GyroData); Temp = (int8_t) (GyroData[0]); // FXAS21002C_DataReady = 0; debug_printf("Temp is: %d degC\r\n",Temp); //debug_printf("if Intruder detected then ACCEL/MAG/GYRO/Temp data are displayed\r\n"); WAIT1_Waitms(10); FXOS8700CQ_DataReady = 1; } count++; }// end of while if (count==5){ debug_printf("if Intruder detected then ACCEL/MAG/GYRO/Temp data are displayed\r\n"); count = 0; } }//End of main
The below functions used are defined inside main.c file (these functions have been referenced from the Freescale community link)
void FXOS8700CQ_Init (void)
void FXAS21002C_Init (void)
FXAS_status_t FXAS21002C_WriteRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t val)
FXAS_status_t FXAS21002C_ReadRegisters(uint8_t reg, uint8_t n, uint8_t *val)
FXOS_status_t FXOS8700CQ_WriteRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t val)
FXOS_status_t FXOS8700CQ_ReadRegisters(uint8_t reg, uint8_t n, uint8_t *val)
/****************************************************************************** * FXOS8700CQ initialization function ******************************************************************************/ void FXOS8700CQ_Init (void) { FXOS8700CQ_WriteRegister(CTRL_REG2, 0x40); // Reset all registers to POR values WAIT1_Waitms(1); //WAIT1_Waitms(5); FXOS8700CQ_WriteRegister(XYZ_DATA_CFG_REG, 0x00); // +/-2g range with 0.244mg/LSB FXOS8700CQ_WriteRegister(M_CTRL_REG1, 0x1F); // Hybrid mode (accelerometer + magnetometer), max OSR FXOS8700CQ_WriteRegister(M_CTRL_REG2, 0x20); // M_OUT_X_MSB register 0x33 follows the OUT_Z_LSB register 0x06 (used for burst read) FXOS8700CQ_WriteRegister(CTRL_REG2, 0x02); // High Resolution mode FXOS8700CQ_WriteRegister(CTRL_REG3, 0x00); // Push-pull, active low interrupt FXOS8700CQ_WriteRegister(CTRL_REG4, 0x01); // Enable DRDY interrupt FXOS8700CQ_WriteRegister(CTRL_REG5, 0x01); // DRDY interrupt routed to INT1 - PTD4 FXOS8700CQ_WriteRegister(CTRL_REG1, 0x25); // ODR = 25Hz, Reduced noise, Active mode }
/****************************************************************************** * FXAS21002C initialization function ******************************************************************************/ void FXAS21002C_Init (void) { FXAS21002C_WriteRegister(GYRO_CTRL_REG1, 0x40); // Reset all registers to POR values WAIT1_Waitms(1); FXAS21002C_WriteRegister(GYRO_CTRL_REG0, 0x03); // High-pass filter disabled, +/-250 dps range -> 7.8125 mdps/LSB = 128 LSB/dps FXAS21002C_WriteRegister(GYRO_CTRL_REG2, 0x0C); // Enable DRDY interrupt, mapped to INT1 - PTA5, push-pull, active low interrupt FXAS21002C_WriteRegister(GYRO_CTRL_REG1, 0x16); // ODR = 25Hz, Active mode }
/****************************************************************************** * Write the specified register of FXAS21002C. * The reading process is through I2C. ******************************************************************************/ FXAS_status_t FXAS21002C_WriteRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t val) { uint8_t cmd[1], buff[1]; uint8_t retval = 0; cmd[0] = reg; buff[0] = val; retval = I2C_DRV_MasterSendDataBlocking (FSL_I2CCOM1, &i2cCom1_MasterConfig0, cmd, 1, buff, 1, 500); if(retval != kStatus_I2C_Success) { return kStatus_FXOS_I2CFail; } return kStatus_FXOS_Success; }
/****************************************************************************** * Read the specified register value of FXAS21002C. * The reading process is through I2C. ******************************************************************************/ FXAS_status_t FXAS21002C_ReadRegisters(uint8_t reg, uint8_t n, uint8_t *val) { uint8_t cmd[1]; uint8_t retval = 0; cmd[0] = reg; retval = I2C_DRV_MasterReceiveDataBlocking(FSL_I2CCOM1, &i2cCom1_MasterConfig0, cmd, 1, val, n, 700); //500 if(retval != kStatus_I2C_Success) { return kStatus_FXOS_I2CFail; } return kStatus_FXOS_Success; }
/****************************************************************************** * Write the specified register of FXOS8700CQ. * The reading process is through I2C. ******************************************************************************/ FXOS_status_t FXOS8700CQ_WriteRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t val) { uint8_t cmd[1], buff[1]; uint8_t retval = 0; cmd[0] = reg; buff[0] = val; retval = I2C_DRV_MasterSendDataBlocking (FSL_I2CCOM1, &i2cCom1_MasterConfig1, cmd, 1, buff, 1, 500); if(retval != kStatus_I2C_Success) { return kStatus_FXOS_I2CFail; } return kStatus_FXOS_Success; }
/****************************************************************************** * Read the specified register value of FXOS8700CQ. * The reading process is through I2C. ******************************************************************************/ FXOS_status_t FXOS8700CQ_ReadRegisters(uint8_t reg, uint8_t n, uint8_t *val) { uint8_t cmd[1]; uint8_t retval = 0; cmd[0] = reg; retval = I2C_DRV_MasterReceiveDataBlocking(FSL_I2CCOM1, &i2cCom1_MasterConfig1, cmd, 1, val, n, 700); //500 if(retval != kStatus_I2C_Success) { return kStatus_FXOS_I2CFail; } return kStatus_FXOS_Success; }
Project working description
we are continuously reading the input port pin whether the motion sensor signal is sensed or not?
PIR is in continuous sensing mode, by default it displays the message “Intruder based ACCEL/MAG/GYRO/TEMP sensing If Intruder is detected then sensor data are displayed“
If sensed positive for the first time the sensor device FXOS8700C (accelerometer and magnetometer) and FXAS21002C (gyrometer and temperature) present on STBC-AGM01 is enabled and 5 sets of sensor data is displayed on the hyper terminal and again the message “if Intruder detected then ACCEL/MAG/GYRO/Temp data are displayed” is displayed
After PIR is sensed again sensor data is displayed and the cycle repeats
The output is as shown below after configuring the serial terminal for the baud rate of 19200 and your com port
The video output for the same is shown below
I have enclosed the project folder and executables for your quick reference and evaluation
Happy interfacing PIR and FRDM-STBC sensor modules....