Hello guys - I forgot my Beaglebone password so I am unable to login in .Help would be appreciated.
Hello guys - I forgot my Beaglebone password so I am unable to login in .Help would be appreciated.
Apologies if I'm stating the obvious and you've already thought of these, but I'll post them anyway.
Thanks dougw - I was hoping that I don;t have to get other hard pieces - at the moment I just have the usb and beagle but may now have to buy those stuff to get anywhere.
Fred27 - I would have changed my password - initially had the temppwd but that will not work now.Are you suggesting get an sd - get the new os - attach sd to board and connect to pc with the usb cable ?
Unless there's something on the board that you need, you can reflash a new OS onto a micro SD card (using your PC) and start from scratch. You can download either an image that runs from the SD card or one that will copy itself over to the on-board eMMC from here:
The latest image will give you Debian 11 rather than the older version that was probably pre-installed on the board. I think you have to hold down a button on boot to run from SD card rather than on-board flash.
Fred27 - I am contemplating getting the correct wifi adapter to use with this board - present status is that I only have the usb and the board so i need to get a power supply 5V 2A ,SD card reader /writer and wifi adapter - tried to source before but had a hard time finding the wifi adapter i.e when I was able to login - I think this is why I didn't pursue this board more because I got stuck in not finding a wifi adapter and now i just ended up forgetting my login password . What will debian 11 be compatible with wifi adapter wise ? I recall using lsb_release then to check version then comparing against a list for wifi adapters. I wish beagle had more easily accessible accessories.
Hi, You may be better off simply buying a Pi, rather than spending on a WiFi adapter and so on. Is there a definite reason you still require the BBB? (it's a decade old).
Just a personal perspective, Pi 3B+ is a good all-rounder (works with most USB power supplies, and has WiFi, and most examples tend to work with it, plus it's a bit cheaper than Pi 4 or 5, and is still generally more powerful than BBB (unless some specific BBB features are being used). And it has way better support too.
You can use an ethernet cable instead of buying a wifi adapter . "All" beaglebones have an rj45 cable port.
And I agree with fred. Reflash a bbb debian image if you don't have something important on your beaglebone.
Hello - so I have ordered the power adapter 5V 2A for the Beaglebone ,uSD to do the reflash however to reflash now and get a wifi adapter that is easily accessible in the market what specific os release will suffice? In terms of using ethernet with the Beagle - that would entail connecting to my pc and enable share wifi ? I get your comment on using a Pi but I would have spent money on the Beagle - just want to make use of it.
I've never used a WiFi adapter with the BeagleBone, but I'd have thought any reasonably common one would do.
What exactly are you trying to achieve with it? If you just want to explore, then connecting your BeagleBone to your PC with the supplied miniUSB cable will not only power it but also have it visible (to that PC only) as It's quite useful for getting started quickly - or at the very least setting the WiFi access point to use.
This getting started guide is useful: docs.beagleboard.org/.../ch03.html