Though it's nowadays quite easy and inexpensive to design your own PCB and have it made, prototyping boards like Veroboard stripboard still have a big place on the amateurs' scene. There are a few stripboard CAD applications available, but some are buggy, none have direct and easy access to component libraries like the ones available for Eagle, and I don't want to buy and learn yet another software package.
I'd like to design and publish a multiport MIDI (music) interface for Arduino, since a new beta version of the excellent MIDI library can handle multiple instances. It should simplify my application (Merry music). The Sparkfun breakout has been withdrawn because the opto-isolator is no longer available. Anyway, the breakout and the MIDIshield are difficult to stack. A want to use stripboard because it's easy for others to adapt the design and to use junkbox components (there hardly exist two opto-isolators with identical pinouts...).
It shouldn't be too difficult to plan a stripboard layout using the Eagle schematic function, with a mix of 'net' and 'wire', and without making a genuine net or a board. Anyway, the free version doesn't allow boards spacious enough for stripboard designs.
The only thing lacking is a set of symbols like generic DIL packages and transistors that have nearly the same footprints as the board packages. There are already plenty of suitable PCB connectors and such-like, but items like 'DIL16' in CadSoft's 'ic-package' are 0.5in wide instead of 0.3in. I know how to adapt these, and not many are required; the only rare-ish one is the MAB5SH 5-pin DIN connector used for MIDI.
However, it would be better first to ask if someone has done the job already. Also, someone who designs parts every day could do it quicker, better and more systematically than me.