Gertboard is the ideal add-on for Raspberry Pi. Designed by Gert van Loo, it is a flexible experimenter board that plugs directly into your Raspberry Pi, and out into the physical world, allowing you to detect and respond to external physical events. Detect and output analogue voltages. Drive powerful motors. Detect switch presses. Illuminate LEDs and drive relays. Jumper cables allow you to hook up different parts of the circuit in many different ways, allowing total flexibility. All controlled by your own Raspberry Pi.
Plugs directly onto Raspberry Pi GPIO socket
Motor controller, capable controlling a motor bi-directionally, delivering 18V and 2A maximum
Dual-channel D-to-A converter, 8-bit
Dual-channel A-to-D converter, 10-bit
Onboard AtmelATmega328ATmega328 MCU for running off-board programmes which are written, compiled and uploaded to Gertboard from Raspberry Pi
6 x open collector outputs
12 x LED indicators
3 x momentary push switches
10 x strap cables included
18 x jumpers included
Software and manuals available to operate and learn how to use Gertboard