This blog continues from my original review here RoadTest the Keysight U1282A Digital Multimeter - Review
Following some testing using an Android Tablet and Bluetooth connection, I thought I'd see what the PC software offers.
Keysight Handheld Meter Logger ver_3_1_51130_01
While the Android version downloads and installs and just works, the PC version has a few issues.
1. The install gives you (the PC Owner) no control over where it will be installed.
I have a 64bit Win7 machine and yet it gets dumped into C:\ProgramFiles.
2. Despite being an Administrator, it went throught the program and then the install spat the dummy with this error.
So start again and then right click and select "Run as Admin" to prevent this error.
I've seen this behaviour before and I'm blaming Microsoft, but I'm sure it's not all their doing.
I did also note the odd Agilent label on some files.
It's been a while since keysight aquired the Agilent label, and this software has migrated with at least one upgrade, so perhaps it's time to check the naming on the install files.
3. I captured some data using the Android App and decided that they should be able to be imported into the PC version.
On the tablet, I backed up the database and then transferred the file across to the PC directory where I keep all the info relating to challenges/Road Tests, etc.
When you go to look for the files the default location is the users documents, and despite the ability to select a directory, you can't save it.
There are three tabs and for each one you have to go through the point and click to select the directory.
Most windows File open Dialogue boxes allow you type the path or cut and paste into it, but not this software.
So eventually I gave up and dumped the copy into the directory it wanted, BUT it won't recognise it.!!!!
Surely it can't be too hard to add this into the settings menu and let the user save the directory he wants to use.
4. The Logging directory has to be under the Users Documents. You have no ability to point it to a shared drive, or anywhere else.
By now I'm starting to tire of software that is well down the version list just not being friendly to it's users.
5. I accidently clicked on the Reports tab and it provided some piccys then a windows error sound caught my attention (luckily the sound was on).
This error dialogue was in the background.
I didn't want a newer version so I clicked No .... guess it didn't like that because it responded with some more error boxes.
So my foray into the world of KeysightHandheldMeterLogger_3_1_51130_01 ended and I'm not impressed!
I've used an earlier version with the Insulation Resistance Tester but I didn't try the import function.
At this point in time I'm going to uninstall ver 3.15 xx and install an earlier version to see if I can get around some of these issues.
I suspect it will be similar for the directories, but who knows.
Overall the look of the software is pixelated/soft as if it really doesn't belong on a large PC screen.
I was so looking forward to importing the data captured yesterday and then having a closer look at it.
Yes you can export/save the data as a CSV but can you bring it back into the software?
What if you need to send a tech into the field to capture the data, but need to analyse it somewhere else?.
It may be that the Tech focused on one part and missed another part of the capture that is more relevant.
The other minor point was that the temperature of the meter is promonently displayed in the upper right corner.
None of the data saves I have done captured that information, yet the calibration is based upon 23 degC at 80% humidity.
Surely it makes sense to capture that information as well.
The features of this meter to Engineers is the Logging abilities, yet IMO the software is letting that down.
Sure the Android App and bluetooth connectivity makes it extremely versatile, but capturing the data is only part of the equation.
I'm stuck with how do I mark the review
Does the Logging software fall into "Support materials", or "Demo Software"?
I decided to mark down the Support materials since the meter itself works.
Because the Android App works, I have only marked it down to 8.
The PC version works but needs some work, so I think this is a fair score.
If someone from Keysight wants to make contact, I'm happy to discuss some options and take a much closer look.
These meters deserve to have the software match their capabilities.
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