The MGC3130 Hillstar Development KitMGC3130 Hillstar Development Kit builds a complete 3D Gesture Tracking and Recognition reference system consisting of:
MGC3130 Module
I2C™ to USB Bridge Module
4-Layer reference electrode (95 x 60mm sensitive area)
The Hillstar concept includes a collection of layout references (Gerber files) for Electrode designs and ready-to-use Sensor modules with MGC3130 backside assembly.
Blogging Challenge
Successful RoadTesters will be invited to blog on the Sensorsarea in addition to providing the standard RoadTest review of the product; the blogs should fully describe use of the product in practical scenarios. Blogs should incorporate videos and images whenever possible. Each RoadTester will be required to submit a minimum of 3 blogs; each blog should be tagged with "3D_gesture". Final submissions are due on Friday, August 15, 2014; the Grand Prize will be awarded shortly thereafter.
Grand Prize
Microchip will provide the winner of the Blogging Challenge a suite of hardware and software tools supporting various PIC MCUs. The prize will consist of ICD3 Debugger (DV164035) , Explorer 16 Demo Board (DM240001) or PIC18F Explorer Board (DM183032) and a choice of an 8-bit (SW006021-1), 16-bit (SW006022-1), or 32-bit (SW006023-1), MPLAB C compiler – total prize value is approximately $750!
With our MGC3130 Software Package including Aurea Graphical User Interface and GestIC Library, the MGC3130 Software Development Kit (SDK) and a PIC18 Host Reference code design-in is easy in five steps:
Feature Definition
Electrode Design
MGC3130 Parameterization
Host Application Programming
Terms & Conditions
Testers will be selected on the basis of quality of applications: we expect a full and complete description of why you want to test this particular product and your approach for blogging about it.
Testers are required to produce a full, comprehensive and well thought out review, we also expect a minimum of 3 blog posts about this product in the Sensors area of element14. Both are due by August 15, 2014.
Failure to provide the review and blogs within the above timescale will result in the enrollee being excluded from future Road Tests.
Good morning, and thank you to all who applied for this interesting and exciting RoadTest Plus. It hasn't been easy to choose our 5 testers / competitors, but in this instance, we've selected -
Yes these guy are going to be huge and I am going to be huge we are all going to be huge! What are you building? We need set up a new way to collaborate. What do you guys to set up price quotes? Kickstarter needs some hard data or they are not going to let my awesome keyboard layout launch! I don't see contact information so please contact me at rdghayden@gmail.com
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