Multicomp Pro MP750511 Arbitrary Waveform Generator

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We need two Electronic Engineers to create a short video on how to use an arbitrary waveform generator in return we'll let you keep the test equipment for FREE.

About the Mulitcomp Pro RoadTest Fundamentals Series

This RoadTest is a part of our Fundamentals series where we are ask roadtesters to provide video demos of the featured product. 

This time we’re looking for 2 electronic engineers to create a video on the fundamentals of using an arbitrary waveform generator, specifically the MP750511 US Waveform Generator.

Your RoadTest Application should include:

· The Key Benefits of Waveform Generator 

· What  you have used a waveform generator for

· Tips & Tricks of Using a Waveform Generator in a short video

Your Video should:

· Be around 10 minutes in length

· Start with an introduction – introduce yourself and the product

· Talk about the types of tests you will be running

· Introduce the Device Under Test you will be using and show one to two examples of how to use the MP750511 to conduct those tests

· Wrap it up with recap – how does a Waveform Generator make tasks easier/possible? Explain how a Waveform Generator aids the design and troubleshooting process.

You do not need to do a standard RoadTest Review for this product.

Extra Credit:

Once you get the package delivered, please consider doing a 2-3 minute unboxing showing the product and “what’s in the box.”

Here are two examples of an unboxing:

Path to Programmable - MiniZed board overview and kit contents

LattePanda 3 Delta // Tech Highlight

Example Videos

Product Variants

  • MP750510 US, EU, UK plugs (depends on SKU number)
  • MP750511 US, EU, UK plugs (depends on SKU number)
  • MP750512 EU, UK plugs
  • MP750513 EU, UK plugs

Note: the product variant the roadtester receives will be based on their geographic location. 

Multicomp Products

Click here to view other Multicomp Products.

Product Overview

Signal Generator Type: Arbitrary

No. of Channels: 2 Channel

Product Range: Multicomp Pro Waveform Generators

Bandwidth: 60MHz

Signal Generator Modulation: 3FSK, 4FSK, AM, ASK, BPSK, DSB-AM, FM, FSK, OSK, PM, PSK, PWM, QPSK, SUM

Manufacturer Warranty: 1 Year

Plug Type: US

Important Dates

Begin enrollment: January 10th, 2023
End enrollment: February 17th, 2023
Select RoadTesters: February 17th, 2023
Ship unit: Mar 2, 2023
Begin Recording: Mar 8 2023
Element14 follow up: Apr 8 2023
Post Videos by: May 6 2023

Terms and Conditions

Click here to view the Terms and Conditions

RoadTest Reviews
Comment List
  • ROFL - I had written down on a post it note the enrollment close date was Feb 26th   :-)    my mistake and my loss, on the bright side maybe I'll have time to work on a project for the audio competition :-)   

    So beings I didnt get an audition video done by by the deadline, here was my unorthodox test plan:

    I am auditing a communications class at a local community college. Why audit ? Because my physical age qualifies me a senior citizen and we audit classes for free !  We gotta pay tho if we want grades and official credit. Why else ? - the class covers digital modes that didnt exist when I was in university. The class is taught by a broadcast engineer and ham, so the prof has alot of really practical info and stories to share. 

    My absolute favorite part of the class is the weekly lab, altho the lab equipment, especially the function generators, are a bit aged and worn out, especially the adjustment knobs.

    My proposal was to redo all my class labs with the MP750511 US Waveform Generator, note the productivity and capability improvements using a nicer waveform generator. 

    Lab #1 was to evaluate the center freq, bandwidth, & Q of an IC RF filter, 445-460kHz. We couldnt get the existing waveform generator to adjust to those ranges of frequencies exact enough to take data.  

    Lab#2 - Use the waveform generator to pulse a tank circuit to observe resonance and the flywheel effect. The amplitude adjust knob doesnt have great range, difficult to set proper amplitude. 

    Lab#3 - Use XR-2206 IC and a function generator to observe and adjust AM modulation. The amplitude adjust knob doesnt have great range, difficult to set proper amplitude and freq. 

    Lab#4 - Use an 1496P IC to observe a balanced modulator in action. This lab needed 2 function generators, which the MP75051 has 2 channels, but our lab generator does not. We had to scourge for another function generator on a protoboard.

    Lab#5 - Use XR-2206 IC and a function generator to observe and adjust FM modulation.  The adjust knobs dont have great range, difficult to set proper amplitude and freq. 

    Lab#6 - Use 567 IC and a function generator to observe phase lock loop behavior, tone detection.  

    Lab#7 - Use XR-2206 IC and a function generator to observe and adjust FSK modulation.

    Lab 8-15 have not been shared with us yet :-)      

    I'm sure the other Road Test proposals are much better than this plan to exercise the waveform generator corner points and performance specs. This test plan is interesting enough tho to share with the E14 community. 

  • ROFL - I had written down on a post it note the enrollment close date was Feb 26th   :-)    my mistake and my loss, on the bright side maybe I'll have time to work on a project for the audio competition :-)   

    So beings I didnt get an audition video done by by the deadline, here was my unorthodox test plan:

    I am auditing a communications class at a local community college. Why audit ? Because my physical age qualifies me a senior citizen and we audit classes for free !  We gotta pay tho if we want grades and official credit. Why else ? - the class covers digital modes that didnt exist when I was in university. The class is taught by a broadcast engineer and ham, so the prof has alot of really practical info and stories to share. 

    My absolute favorite part of the class is the weekly lab, altho the lab equipment, especially the function generators, are a bit aged and worn out, especially the adjustment knobs.

    My proposal was to redo all my class labs with the MP750511 US Waveform Generator, note the productivity and capability improvements using a nicer waveform generator. 

    Lab #1 was to evaluate the center freq, bandwidth, & Q of an IC RF filter, 445-460kHz. We couldnt get the existing waveform generator to adjust to those ranges of frequencies exact enough to take data.  

    Lab#2 - Use the waveform generator to pulse a tank circuit to observe resonance and the flywheel effect. The amplitude adjust knob doesnt have great range, difficult to set proper amplitude. 

    Lab#3 - Use XR-2206 IC and a function generator to observe and adjust AM modulation. The amplitude adjust knob doesnt have great range, difficult to set proper amplitude and freq. 

    Lab#4 - Use an 1496P IC to observe a balanced modulator in action. This lab needed 2 function generators, which the MP75051 has 2 channels, but our lab generator does not. We had to scourge for another function generator on a protoboard.

    Lab#5 - Use XR-2206 IC and a function generator to observe and adjust FM modulation.  The adjust knobs dont have great range, difficult to set proper amplitude and freq. 

    Lab#6 - Use 567 IC and a function generator to observe phase lock loop behavior, tone detection.  

    Lab#7 - Use XR-2206 IC and a function generator to observe and adjust FSK modulation.

    Lab 8-15 have not been shared with us yet :-)      

    I'm sure the other Road Test proposals are much better than this plan to exercise the waveform generator corner points and performance specs. This test plan is interesting enough tho to share with the E14 community. 

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