Read the Reviews of the Avnet ZUBoard 1CG Development Kit

Table of contents

RoadTest Goalssponsor logo

  • General Guidance: Working with the documentation, open the box and test the out of the box experience. Show us what you discovered through text, images, videos, and/or any other media, so the reader understands what is involved in using the product.
  • Out-of-Box Experience: Reviewing the Out-of-Box experience is valuable and could be one out of two things: (option 1) Boot from pre-installed RTOS on QSPI or (option 2) Boot Linux from an SD Card.
  • Vision Application Project: While a DualCam is include in the kit, the sponsors says that a vision application is not required.

ZU1 Board Vision Webinar 

Training and Deploying a Classification Model
Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 2:00 pm U.S. EDT
This session will describe how to train a machine learning model for gesture recognition, using American Sign Language classification as an example. Through a series of easy-to-follow Jupyter Notebooks, attendees will learn to analyze and understand the dataset, train a classification model, and deploy it to the ZUB1CG programmable logic board with Vitis-AI framework. Click here to register

Enrollment Poll

Product Variants

• CG – 1CG the variant used for this roadtest
• EG
• EV


The ZUBoard 1CG provides the flexibility and versatility for engineers to experiment with and learn the AMD ZynqTm UltraScale+Tm architecture. The affordable ZU1CG device features 81K programmable logic cells with a Dual-core Arm ® Cortex ®-A53 MPCore Tm and Dual-core Arm Cortex-R5F MPCore, as well as cache and on-chip memory. The board also features 1GB of ISSI LPDDR4 with non-volatile boot options in the 256Mb ISSI QSPI Flash or a microSD card slot.

Microchip PHYs enable both 10/100/1000 Ethernet and USB 2.0 Host. A microUSB port provides on-board JTAG/UART access. Microchip oscillators and ECS crystals provide clocking to the ZU1 device, the on-chip real-time clock, JTAG, and communication interfaces. Power the board through USB-C with a Microchip controller and TDK μPOL Tm power modules. A combination of slide switches, push buttons, mono- and RGB-LEDs allow user interaction with the board. Both temperature and pressure sensors from STMicroelectronics add environmental data to the system. Additionally, all four ZU+ PS GTR transceivers, 18 PS MIO, and 69 PL I/Os are exposed through three Samtec expansion connectors and one Click Board Tm sites.

With an AMD VivadoTmML software-enabled definition file and PetaLinux BSP, you will be up and running in no time! Whether you want to explore bare metal, Linux, or Vitis AI accelerators, the ZUBoard 1CG will give you a base foundation to experiment.


AMD Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZU1CG
o Dual A53 APU and Dual R5 RPU
o 56KB On-chip Memory
o 81,900 FPGA Logic Cells
ISSI 1GB LPDDR4 with on-chip ECC
Boot from ISSI 256Mb QSPI or microSD Card
PetaLinux environment available for download
Microchip 10/100/1000 Wired Ethernet PHY and MAC ID EEPROM
Microchip USB 2.0 PHY
Microchip USB-C input power control
Dialog GreenPAKTm on/off controller and power sequencer
TDK μPOLTm power modules
On-board JTAG and UART debug interface
STMicroelectronics Temperature and Pressure Sensors
Battery-backed Real-Time Clock and FPGA Bitstream Security enabled with ECS and Custom Power
Expansion enabled by Samtec connectors
User Slide Switch and Push Button I/O
User RGB and Monochrome LEDs

Additional Information


• ZUBoard 1CG Development Board
• AC/DC 45W USB-C adapter
• 3A USB-C cable
• 8 GB microSD Card
• DualCam HSIO Module
• Free downloadable AMD VitisTm and Vivado ML Standard Edition
• Free downloadable PetaLinux BSP and reference designs
• Quick-start card

Important Dates 

Begin enrollment:  May 5, 2023
End enrollment:  June 5, 2023
Select roadtesters:  June 6, 2023
Ship unit:  June 15, 2023
Begin Roadtesting: June 22, 2023
Element14 follow up: July 22, 2023
Post Reviews by:  See below for due dates by roadtester


h57jafari review due date Aug 22 2023

Mtaveniku review due date Aug 22 2023

rlewicki completed review - DONE

Z_Gaby review due date Aug 22 2023 DONE

folliard review due date Aug 22 2023 - DONE

ahamm011 review due date Aug 22 2023 - DONE

dbkincaid completed review - DONE

manihatn review due date Oct 15 2023 - DONE

yesha98 review due date Oct 15 2023 - DONE

Terms and Conditions

RoadTest Reviews
Comment List
  • For those interested in applying for the ZUBoard roadtest, but needing more information on the board and tools,

    please check out this Element 14 blog:


    It describes how to build the foundation designs (base design and dualcam design) for ZUBoard.

    It also describes how to add support for Vitis-AI 3.0 and ROS2 (Humble).


    A pre-build SD card image is available for those looking to get started quickly.


    The webinar series will describe how to leverage this pre-built SD card image to create a fun robotics application.


    I hope this content will inspire you to apply for the roadtest !

  • For those interested in applying for the ZUBoard roadtest, but needing more information on the board and tools,

    please check out this Element 14 blog:


    It describes how to build the foundation designs (base design and dualcam design) for ZUBoard.

    It also describes how to add support for Vitis-AI 3.0 and ROS2 (Humble).


    A pre-build SD card image is available for those looking to get started quickly.


    The webinar series will describe how to leverage this pre-built SD card image to create a fun robotics application.


    I hope this content will inspire you to apply for the roadtest !

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