Beaglebone Black Radio Challenge

Table of contents

Beaglebone BlackThe BeagleBone Black is the newest member of the BeagleBoard family. It is a lower-cost, high-expansion focused BeagleBoard using a low cost Sitara™ AM3358 ARM® Cortex™-A8 processor from Texas Instruments, and can connect with the Internet and run software such as Angstrom and Ubuntu. Like its predecessors, the BeagleBone Black is designed to address the Open Source Community, early adopters, and anyone interested in a low cost ARM® Cortex™-A8 based processor.
The Bundle & the Challenge
For the purposes of this "RoadTest Plus", we have bundled the Beaglebone Black with these other products:
  • A 4.3" LCD Screen Cape
  • Adafruit Power Adapter
  • Adafruit BBB Case
  • Adafruit Software Defined Radio Receiver USB Stick
  • Compact USB Wi-Fi Adapter with 4" Antenna
This bundle represents an ideal starting point for the creation of an innovative, fully-featured Internet / Digital Radio.
The selected testers will provide standard RoadTest reviews of the Beaglebone Black and blog in the Single Board Computers area of element14 beginning on Monday, February 17th and finishing on Friday, March 28th, detailing their Beaglebone Radio projects as they progress.  Videos, diagrams and code samples should form part of the submissions.  The RoadTester who provides the most intriguing, engaging material in addition to a fully operational Internet / Digital Radio will win the Grand Prize.
The Grand Prize
Leikr GPS Sport WatchThe winner of this challenge will receive two Grand Prizes, courtesy of Texas Instruments:
  • The Leikr GPS Sports Watch - a unique multisport GPS platform.
  • The Beaglebone Black Battery cape - to encourage our Grand Prize winner to make their solution portable.
Second Chance
Even if you aren't picked as one of our RoadTesters, you can still enter the challenge: merely purchase your own Beaglebone Black and LCD Cape, blog on the Single Board Computers group about your "Beaglebone Radio" using these products, and ensure your final submission is in place by March 28, 2014.
How to Enter
If you are not a member of element14, please click here to join.  If you are a member, click the orange Enroll button on the right just below the Competition title.  Fill out the form completely, including your address and telephone number (necessary so the shipping company can contact you if you are selected); please detail how you will approach this challenge in the "Reason for the RoadTest" box.  Please be as detailed as possible about your ideas; the most innovative and well-thought out proposals will be the ones we select.
Terms & Conditions
  • Individuals will be selected for the "Beaglebone Black Radio" Challenge (henceforth, "The Challenge") on the basis of quality of applications: we expect a full and complete description of why you want to take part in this challenge and your initial ideas for utilising the bundle effectively.
  • Individuals selected for the Challenge will be required to blog about their projects in the Single Board Computers section of element14 on a weekly basis.  Additional content such as videos and designs will be an added bonus when it comes to judging competitors.
  • Failure by a selected individual to participate in accordance with the parameters of the Challenge, provided no reasonable cause for this inability to participate is given, may result in exclusion from future Road Tests and challenges.
  • This competition is not open to individuals employed by the Premier Farnell group of companies.
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