RoadTest: Arduino Due
Author: awneil
Creation date:
Evaluation Type: Independent Products
Did you receive all parts the manufacturer stated would be included in the package?: True
What other parts do you consider comparable to this product?: Broadly Comparable to SAM4S XPlained
What were the biggest problems encountered?: The translation from "Arduino-speak" to "normal" terminology. But that was rxpected!
Detailed Review:
As an “old hand” embedded systems developer with over 25 years experience, I have thought that Arduino sounds a useful hardware platform – but have no interest in learning its rather idiosyncratic software language & environment. Therefore the object of this Road Test was to investigate using the Arduino Due as plain, ordinary “bare-metal” development board – without any of the Arduino stuff.
Although not trivial, the task was not really any harder than expected. There were no showstoppers.
I was able to use the free Keil MDK "Lite" edition to create standard 'C' programs, download and debug using a uLink-2 in the normal manner
The full report is in the attached MS-Word document.
The attached MS-Excel workbook contains the information deduced about pinouts & connections.
The attached ZIP file contains the final source code & uVision-4 Project described in the report.
All files are supplied "AS IS" without warranties of any kind; use entirely at own risk.
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