The Internet of Holiday Lights RoadTest Plus - Review

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RoadTest: The Internet of Holiday Lights RoadTest Plus

Author: matfur92

Creation date:

Evaluation Type: Independent Products

Did you receive all parts the manufacturer stated would be included in the package?: True

What other parts do you consider comparable to this product?: Atmel SAMA5D3 Xplained

What were the biggest problems encountered?: Having to solder the shield. Can not directly install the shield Infineon RGB LED driver Arduino Yun because it touches on the USB port and the Ethernet.

Detailed Review:

This RoadTest was sensational !!!

It allowed me to use new technologies such MQTT hardware and enormous potential as Arduino Yun.



With Arduino Yun you can make a huge amount and unimaginable projects. The largest potential of this hardware is the ability to unify the ease of programming and management of external components with simple programming in C Arduino and the extreme flexibility and management of services provided by an operating system like OpenWRT.
I was lucky some time ago to be able to try and use a board which Atmel SAMA5D3 Xplained. One of the parts of which I have suffered the most is the configuration of the development environment and operating system installed on this. To take advantage of the hardware and compatibility with the pin and then the shield for Arduino, you have to program very low level requiring significant efforts also to be able to read only a temperature sensor as the DHT22. Not to mention the compilation and creation of the image of the operating system, which also requires the modification of the U-Boot to start PROPERLY OS from SD card.
With Arduino Yun all this is unthinkable. You already have everything you could want as Wifi, USB, Ethernet and especially the full compatibility of projects Arduino Uno.
Direct integration with the operating system and the ability to call script from console directly from the sketch is absolutely a dream come true, being able to create a new universe of applications easily achievable even by those who do not know or is not going to learn the dynamics of RTOS.

Arduino Uno however, is not new, certainly is the board that has revolutionized the world of open-source hardware and DIY becoming the inspiration for many other new projects that are springing up in recent years.

The Infineon RGB LED driver is a shield rather fascinating and definitely very useful to be able to drive the LED strips or other types of LED light sources with RGB color control. Certainly his password can be recognized in speed or dynamism. With this shield is in fact possible to create fascinating applications in very short time without having to build electronic circuits complicated and dedicated to a single application domain.
One of the biggest flaws in my opinion is the incompatibility of this with Arduino Yun, in which can not reside if not with the aid of a pin highest order to raise the support pin. Without this foresight fact can not be used as the shield slams into the USB port and Ethernet. This is really a shame!
Other small sore point is that the definition of simplicity can not be applied at all, because in order to use this shield is necessary to have in the house and having to solder pins. For those unfamiliar welds or did not have a good welder this certainly would be a big penalty.

My project has proved pleasantly developable with the hardware I had available. Surely the enormous simplicity in order to develop what I had in mind is given by the board as amazing Arduino Yun.
As I am a programmer and only a fan of electronics, I found in these instruments the possibility of reconciling what I know to do well with what for me is just a hobby.
Below you will find a link to view all the posts of the most delicate phases that have allowed me to achieve the completion of the project:
