Hanhaa Symbisa IoT Dev Kit - Review

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RoadTest: Hanhaa Symbisa IoT Dev Kit

Author: jpnbino

Creation date:

Evaluation Type: Development Boards & Tools

Did you receive all parts the manufacturer stated would be included in the package?: True

What other parts do you consider comparable to this product?:

What were the biggest problems encountered?: lack of documentation. To use API there was no tutorial or examples available.

Detailed Review:

edit1: Added the GPS Performance chapter.


Yes, I had some fun playing with Symbisa, it was a nice experience. Of course, I cut off my warranty seal to check the hardware inside and added some note about it in this document. I performed this RoadTest by exploring as many features as I could and then recorded videos in a tutorial way (hopefully helpful for someone in near future) showing its usage. In the end, I give my opinion about what I think that should be improved or changed. Don't you miss this  image... and one more thing, I believe reviewing is not only about receiving mail packs, but be part of something greater and helping to build better things, so your comment is really important and helps me to improve.


Video 1 - Unboxing


Video 2 - Overview


First Run

Symbisa was easy to get it running and see some results (even though, the USB driver didn't install automatically). I had to sign in to Hanhaa web portal , insert my devices information and then it was ready to run and be configured.


Video 3 - Set Up and First run


In case you get in trouble to update the firmware this might be useful. checkout:


Video 4 - Firmware update troubleshooting


GPS Performance

I was requested by Hanhaa to take measurements in 2hours interval leaving my Symbisa close to a Window and plugged to the power source. So I did. then, I measured the longest distance between where I really am and the far distant point measured with the ruler tool in the map, the result was about 437meters. I don't know why I've got a so odd point, maybe it has to do with my apartment being enclosed by other apartments so the window isn't faced to open field.



The data plotted in the map ( Yellow dots), I downloaded directly from the portal. One observation is that the spreadsheet downloaded from the Hanhaa portal does not contain certain data such as max temperature or min temperature, but only the average temperature.


Note: See attachments to download and see all my measurements.


                                         Data acquired during Hanhaa test request



                                                            Print from the web Portal


image Did you see that 40,3°C and Humidity drops up to 17.3%?


Microsoft Excel 365 Integration

Painful! I lost some hours trying to follow the manual and get it running and I didn't figure out what was wrong. Then, I was only able to run symbisa add-in after opening a ticket for technical support. Thankfully, the answer was fast and I was told that the app had a version published in the Microsoft store under "WA104381795" name. Finally, it worked well.


The idea of integrating with such a tool is awesome. I found it ease to access data, but I don't see means of integrating it into another system. My background in excel is for basic use, I stop learning excel at the hello world of VBA.


Video 5 - Excel integration


The online version works fine too.


Support service

I opened two tickets and those were answered in less than 24h. Their support service works from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday.


Question about the network in Brazil


Question about installing add-in



More about



Is it a Dev Kit?


I wouldn't call the Symbisa board itself a development kit, because it's a proprietary solution from which one can read data and events. The development part starts with excel spreadsheet or use of API to integrate the board into another solution. There is no header on the PCB to add an electronic sensor or module. Although there is a Buzzer with no use up to now, at least I didn't see any notes about it (Maybe it was used only for debug).


How much do I pay for data?


Every time symbisa communicate you pay 1 (one) credit. At every conversation, Symbisa sends all its data through GSM to Hanhaa network. So you don't pay for the data you pay for a transfer.

Does it have Bluetooth?

No. Even though the MC60 module has Bluetooth v3.0 connection (SPP + HFP).


May I get data any time I want?

No. The data is sent at regular intervals. An instant measurement is not available now, but maybe can be implemented through the user button.



Hanhaa has made a great job with the portal to access Symbisa data as it is ease of use. Up to now, symbisa is a perfect match for parcel tracking and I see no other application that can benefits so intense from its capabilities. It's a shame that no room was left to connect other modules or sensors. Also, Hanhaa could consider upgrading its GSM module to MC60E which has Bluetooth BLE and make it available for the user. Other items to take into account are improve documentation by adding video tutorials containing step by step configuration and cases of use.


Top Comments

  • Hi


    Interesting device! The web portal looks very cool too - I can imagine that users who want a quick-to-deploy solution would want to make use of this.

    I also like Sierra Wireless' portal for IoT…

  • I thank you ,


    Hanhaa web portal is pretty useful and to the point. Simple to get started.


    I'll check about Sierra Wireless and see how I can update this roadtest.

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