Bluetooth 5 Radio SoC EVM - Review

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RoadTest: Bluetooth 5 Radio SoC EVM

Author: iexpress

Creation date:

Evaluation Type: Development Boards & Tools

Did you receive all parts the manufacturer stated would be included in the package?: True

What other parts do you consider comparable to this product?: Raspberry Pi or an Arduino with HC-05/06 modules.

What were the biggest problems encountered?: In the beginning I had some difficulty understanding the hardware layout of the board; guessing whether Eclipse code was loaded onto the ATSAM3U2C MCU or the RSL10 processor on the development board.

Detailed Review:

Whether you create simple or complex applications, this small development board has you covered.


Programming and uploading your code to the device is simple and there is enough sample code that is provided to suit your needs.


This device is pretty versatile in that you can connect to it with an iPhone, Android, PC or Mac. Additionally, the board can communicate with a compatible a Arduino like the Uno through any available GPIO pins.


While I didn’t quite have a Bluetooth 5 device to pair with the RSL10-002GEVB, I was able to use BTLE 4 devices with no connectivity problems at all. Serial communication from a computer worked flawlessly with the device up to 2,000,000 Baud rate I tested it for.


I was also able to collect user data with button presses connected to 3.3 and GPIO and have an Arduino Uno and a Arduino Due relay the date, time with a connected RTC when a button was pressed.


This device is powerful enough to control a relay board and several H-bridges together and would even work great as a DCC train controller or motor driver.


Medically, I can see a use for this device as a way to develop computerized prosthetics with sensors and possibly even a text to speech engine where bytes are sent over Bluetooth in a serial connection to play as PCM samples or be directly converted to analog through a resistor DAC controlled by itself or an Arduino or Raspberry Pi.


Really, your imagination for creating something new and innovative is possible. This is a very good way to create an accurate prototype from design and works a lot better than using separate components individually.


I can see people embedding the device into their products as it provides an all in one solution instead of having to start all over from scratch on every project.
