I was just curious if there are penalty points for final projects posted past the due date in the Path to Programmable 3, or they compete in the challenge at the same rank as the projects submitted in time?
I was just curious if there are penalty points for final projects posted past the due date in the Path to Programmable 3, or they compete in the challenge at the same rank as the projects submitted in time?
shabaz After my Dad retired from the Navy, we were not on time for ANYTHING. We told friends "Lie to us that it's a half hour or an hour earlier. PLEASE! Then we might be on time." He got better once we grew up and moved out, but as a kid... it was terrible.
I support establishing earlier deadlines for oneself. Life has a way of consuming that time. Every time.
Hehe well I guess he earned it, not having to be prompt anymore after such a regimented work career!
Back when a friend was getting married in some northern town, I just knew there was no way we (his closest friends) were all going to get there on time. It was just not realistic.
We decided to be clever and book a hotel near the venue the night before, to eliminate this risk, or so we thought. We were now only 10 minutes away from the venue, so all should have been fine.
In the morning, all of us bright and cheerful that we were going to be bang on time, driving from the hotel to the venue, I still got lost! By the time we got our bearings and finally made it, our lateness was very apparent not just to the groom but to _everyone_ when we walked in : (
For me, there are two personal concerns - when results will be out & whether some partner of e14 could consider me for hire/paid project or not.