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For this year, 2023, I created an Christmass tree using PIC12F675 and 20 LEDs. the code is written using MPASM. I programmed the PIC12F675 using PicKit1, but any other PIC programmer will work.
For me was a challange to do this project in assembler. I used 5 pins of PIC12F675 to drive 20 leds, in Charliplexing mode. the tree is powered by 3 x AAA batterys.
The code in written using MPLAB 8.92, in asm and the hex file was written in PIC using Pic Kit 1 and MPLAB IDE.
The PCB was created using EasyEDA and manufactured by JLCPCB.
I soldered all the components, as following:
An preview of how I soldered leds on PCB:
How to bend leds, to be soldered on PCB:
LED soldering:
Solder the battery support to the main Christmas tree:
Here is video with my Christmas tree: and
Github link with: code, schematic & gerber files and pictures & video with the project: Antonia-place/Christmas-tree-2023: Christmas tree using PIC12F675 and MPLAB and MPASM (
All the components are common, so they can be bought from any electronic component store.