Thanks to the Text-To_Speech engine, I can easily add a nice function to the MagicHat: the capability to say wisdom phrases while it's idling
The implementation will be based on a web service that provides quotes as a JSON document
I found a lot of alternatives on and I selected the quotes service provided by
The URL to invoke to get a new quote has the following format{search}.json
where {search} is the topic you are interested to get a quote about. To stay on the challenge topic, I will randomly search for the following topics
- rowling
- magician
- harry potter
The quote web service will be queried by theNodeJS application
function getQuote(topic) { var http = require('http'); options = { host: '', path: '/widget/~' + topic + '.json', port: '1338', headers: { 'X-Mashape-Key': '<your mashape key>', 'Accept': 'application/json" } }; callback = function(response) { r str = ''; response.on('data', function(chunk) { str += chunk; }); response.on('end', function() { console.log(str); var obj = JSON.parse(str); var mp3url=''+encodeURIComponent(obj.quote); getMp3(mp3url, filename, function() { exec('/usr/bin/madplay -A10 ' + filename); }); }); } req = http.request(options, callback); req.end(); };
Since the Arduino side is aware whether the MagicHat is idling or not, the quote function will be triggered by Arduino itself by sending a new command
This command will be parsed by the serial port's data handler
// quote topics var topics = ['rowling', 'magician', 'harry_potter']; // generate a random int value between low and high (including limits) function randomInt (low, high) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (high - low) + low); } // serial port data handler yunPort.on('data', function(data) { //console.log('data ' + data); _data = _data + data; var eol = _data.indexOf("\r\n"); if (eol > 0) { _data = _data.substring(0, eol); if (_data.substring(0,5) == "PLAY ") { console.log("Received command " + _data.substring(0,5)+","+_data.substring(5)); var text = _data.substring(5); _data = ""; text = text.replace(/ /g, '_'); var filename = '/mnt/sda1/' + text + '.mp3'; console.log("Checking file " + filename); if (fs.existsSync(filename)) { console.log("Playing file " + filename); exec('/usr/bin/madplay -A10 ' + filename); } else { var mp3url=''+encodeURIComponent(text); getMp3(mp3url, filename, function() { exec('/usr/bin/madplay -A10 ' + filename); }); } } else if (_data.substring(0,5) == "QUOTE") { getQuote(topics[randomInt(0,topics.length-1)]); } else { if (_ws) _ws.send(_data); _data = ""; } } });
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