Being on a business trip (overseas even) means that progress has been really slow. The workdays are longer, I have no hardware with me (don't dare to get that through US immigrations...) and the evenings are shorter.
So I did some work on the Android application. To use my OpenHAB client library, it needed to be put into a Maven repository (since Android Studio tries to look up all the dependencies from there) which was not too complicated due to the Maven-Ant-tasks. That being done, I looked into how one can create an Android application (or rather a home page widget) that gets updated from background changes.
Its not as simple as one would do in a normal Java program - just starting a thread in the background and listening for incoming data. One needs to set up a background service that does the work, because it can be suspended if needed by Android (e.g. to save on power consumption). I don't need that actually, since the tablet I'm using is powered always, and should have no network connectivity issues. But when in Rome, do as the Romans do...
So when being back, I hope to speed up again next week, since there is not so much time left anymore. The RPiSoC needs to be looked deeper at (though I'm afraid it will not be used until end of the competition, it will need to wait a little bit more), and work on the Application must progress a bit faster than in the past weeks...