(The add video from "my videos" seems a little buggy as it won't list my new video - Also the import conversion made it fuzzy - use full screen for a better view).
Fig 1. A Silent Video of Eagle Module Creation
EAGLE 7.1 adds some elementary hierarchical schematic support by the definition of module schematics.To my knowledge this hierarchical support does not extend to EAGLE's PCB design as this a completely different kettle of fish.
To use it requires an EAGLE licence that supports multiple Schematic Sheets and means that the Free, Freemium and Light Licenses will not support this functionality because they only support one schematic sheet.
For me to demonstrate it I installed the time limited Professional licence provided to me from Element14 and CADSoft.
A module is a self contained schematic that is designed to have some nets that can be connected to other schematic sheets.
The best way to do this is to firstly create a master schematic and add the required modules as needed.
Once a module has been completely defined other instances of it can be deployed.
Here's a quick summary of the video example.
Create an EAGLE project and a new schematic diagram
Add a module to it and now treat this as your master schematic diagram
When you add a new module a new blank schematic sheet is created for the module.
Populate your module and annotate and assign names to the nets that require connection to the master schematic
From the master schematic create ports for your module and assign them to the nets that you have just created in the module schematic.
Now with your module fully created you can now add new instances of them to your master schematic.
This is done by adding modules and selecting the desired module.
You can then connect up the module ports using standard wires.
All master and module schematics are saved in the same .sch file.
You can now create a PCB from the schematic. PCB components by default will be annotated using its module name and instance as a prefix.
e.g. MODULE1-1.C1
Edit the PCB normally from this point on.