Hello everyone here is an update of Dave working with me on the 3D parts that we need. I combined the 3 videos that I took at Hive76. Dave has a new 3D printer so he is still learning how to work with the software. I am learning so much from the guys at Hive76. I want a 3D printer, they are so cool! Dave has made a few caps but we have run into issues with the thickness of the battery, so he has had to tweak the design. It took 7 minutes to print the first closed end-cap. We will need a few with the hole in the middle for the umbrella hats. I also now have to make a hole in the poncho to place the button in halfway so that it won't stick out so much. Designing and redesigning is what I have had to do, to accomplish my vision for the ponchos since this was something I just came up with. I hope you enjoy the video. We could not edit any noises in the background since I go To Hive76 on Wednesday that its open house and anyone can stop by and checkout the place. I love it because I keep meeting more new people.