Hello everyone! Im back, I needed some me time to celebrate my birthday. Here are my final 3-D printed end-caps. They turned out so nice! Dave did a great job! He made 3 prototypes and It was so cool to watch them come to life. As the printer printed the end-caps, I waited for each one to pop out. They each took about 7 minutes to print. I learned so much from just watching Dave. I gotta get one of those 3-D printers!
By the way, the background music you hear was in the next room so, I had no control over that sorry.
Hive76 is a lively place, so load music is part of the fun. My video isn't the best because the space that I had to record is tiny. I also, had no room to really record better since I was trying to be close to Dave due to the loud music, so I give you good pictures, sorry
Checkout the end-caps that will be the back covers to my Neo-Pixel Ring Buttons!
The second and third pic below, is the end-cap that Dave was testing the fit of the 3-D printed cap. See how well it sits!
I couldn't believe how fast they printed out. It took longer to create them in the software. Thanks Dave!
This is a sample of the vinyl that i'm using for the ponchos and umbrella hats. I made a hole in it so i can audition the button. You can see from the photos above, that the buttons are fat and by creating a hole in the poncho, I can hide some of the thickness of the button.
I hope you enjoy the 3-D printed parts pics. I will be posting the rest of my build in the next 3 weeks. Stay tune I have some cool stuff!
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