Checkout my cool button build. Below I share all of the pieces that will go into building my cool buttons.
It all started with the end-cap. I just thought that I could use them with regular LEDs, but then I put them over the Neo-pixel ring hoop earrings and the effects were so cool, that I just had to use them for my buttons too!
Below I share my attempts at recording a video of me soldering the wires for my Neo-Pixel button.
The video is not the best and I could have redone it but this challenge didn't state that you had to be a professional at recording. I want others to know that as you practice you will get better. Hey, no-one starts out with a great blog or a neat solder etc. it's ok to mess up, that is how you learn. My pictures are better!:) Please leave me feedback and comments Thanks!
My video is getting rotated on youtube but it was not done when I posted so bare with me.
Look at my finished Neo-Pixel button! I did remove the tape. You can see my wires clearly and how great everything fits inside of the end-cap. LOVE the logo in the center!
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