Hello everyone, My name is Gladys, Im self-employed and a designer for pets and their parents. I love E-textiles and wearable electronics! I have to say that i didn't expect to be picked, I was able to enter at the last minute. I was just thinking of taking the challenge because I love hats and then one night I thought what if Im picked and here I am among other talented people. Thank you Adafruit, I have learned soo much from their tutorials and great group of talented people that help on the forum. They are the reason I have gone from a let's patent this, to let's share it mentality and element14 for allowing me this chance to make something for me and Pierre my dog that will be fun and functional. I recorded this the day I got my box, since I hadn't placed an order, I thought what if it's good news about the hats off challenge, If so, I wanted to document it. I'm not a bloggers, never blogged before so, I will do my best to share all my pics and videos. I may come up with a design, then change my mind when something else better comes to mind. My idea is to make 2 matching umbrella hats and 2 matching ponchos that will interact with each other. I want to add lights, sensors and even El- wire. The only challenge i may have is with Pierre's poncho, he is tiny, only 5 pounds and his pieces will be small, not a lot of room to put electronics, so let's see what happens. My friend and seamstress Luz, will be helping me with the design of my project and my other friend Kyle, my hacker space buddy tech wiz from Hive76, will help me with electronics. Its so good to have help and support. I will share more tomorrow. good luck everyone and i hope to learn from you all as your projects sound very cool!