I broke down my project into parts and the first thing I needed was a mask. That should be easy, we've all seen those plastic masks in stores. No problem, off to Amazon.
Uh, maybe not. It seems all the masks on Amazon are small, as in child size. I looked at all of them and down in the comments everyone was saying how small they are. I finally found some that were supposed to be 'adult' size. Many had terrible reviews on sizing and the nice ones were expensive. I figure that I need several of these things for testing and playing around with the design. Okay, so much for that idea. I guess I'm making my mask, too. Off to the Amazon book selection.
How to Make Masks!
I found a really great book. It has wonderful reviews, including a link to a YouTube video by the author, Jonni Good. She definitely knows what she's doing, so I commit to the purchase. The book isn't cheap and I'll have to buy supplies, but I figure I can make a really custom mask that meets my needs and I can make as many as I want.
I read the entire book when it arrived. The author mentions that it is very difficult to find adult sized masks, so I'm glad I'm going this route. There are all kinds of masks in here and the instructions are very good. I'll have to make a mask form first, then the masks off of that. There aren't any specialty ingredients needed and it shouldn't be too expensive. Wayne and I went out to purchase supplies. Here's the investment:
- How to Make Masks! (Amazon) - $18.27
- Plaster of Paris (Craft Warehouse) - $7.99 (is cheaper at Home Depot)
- Cloth Plaster Wrap (Craft Warehouse) - $9.88
- Elmer's Glue All 7.6oz (Craft Warehouse) - $5.49
- Ceramcoat Acrylic 8oz White (Craft Warehouse) - $6.99
- Super Sculpey 1# (Craft Warehouse) - $15.99 (is cheaper from Amazon)
- Blue Shop Towels 2 rolls (Home Depot) - $2.23/each
- Duct Tape (Home Depot) - $3.78
- Cheap Brushes 4 (Home Depot) - $0.97/each
- Cheap Aluminum Foil - $2.15
- Vaseline - Have some.
- Drywall Compound, aka sheetrock mud - Have some.
We usually have duct tape in the garage, but I used most of it wrapping Wayne to make a sewing form. The plaster was cheaper at Home Depot, but we went to Craft Warehouse first. I really need more than 7.5 ounces of glue, so I'll be purchasing more in the near future.
Total Cost = $78.88
EEEK! Well, so much for inexpensive. But I am the master of justification.
- I am learning a new craft. I've never done paper mache or sculpting work before.
- The book has all kinds of fun projects I can make some day.
- I have enough supplies to make all those fun projects some day.
- I have to have a nice mask for my Mardi Gras hat that fits an adult.
- My mask will look much better than those cheap plastic things.
There, I think that covers the justification. That's only 15% of our monthly grocery budget. We can eat less, I have a Mardi Gras hat to build!
Here's a video that goes through the mask building process. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions.