Thankyou for choosing me as a competitor in In The Air Design Challenge. I will be using different sensors in the challenge. Sensors for ozone, smoke, dust , light ,sound level will be used. If possible will be looking for ph sensors and conductivity tests on water samples to get water pollution level. In addition temperature, humidity sensors will be used from ti.
The different components will be integrated in the following way:
· All the sensors will be connected to MSP430 launchpad. The launchpad using onboard supercapacitor takes reading from all the sensors , passes them serialy to CC3200 launchpad and goes to low power sleep mode to save power.
· The CC3200 launchpad using wifi sends this to beaglebone.
· The beaglebone wifi dongle catches the data and stores the data in sierra cloud services.
· The CC3200,sensors and MSP430 is powered from a power circuit board that is made using wurth electronics pcb service. The power comes from 12v battery. The battery will be charged through solar cells. The charger will be made using wurth electronics inductors and passive components and ti solar charger ic with fabrication done through wurth pcb services.
· A mobile app will be made using eclipse iot and sandbox softwares.
· As regards how to get the Android devices talking to the Beaglebones, we'll need to send our data to a place that both devices can access. One simple way of doing this would be to use Google Spreadsheets. The Beaglebones could write data to the spreadsheets, and the Android app could display that data. The Android app could send command messages back to the spreadsheet and the Beaglebones could watch out for those messages and take the appropriate action.