Setting up Airvantage
In this post i am going to connect beaglebone black to airvantage. For this connect beaglebone to the pc and update it. Then following the steps below i was able to connect it to airvantage and update readings and see them.
Hardware :
Step 1. Plug the BeagleBone Black to USB and install USB drivers by reading this getting started.
Step 2. Set up Internet on your device with an ethernet cable.
Step 3. Go to the Cloud9 IDE by openning the following url in a browser: Where `` is the default IP of the BeagleBone.
Step 4. Create a new file in the workspace.
step 5. Open a browser to this url: Click on the run button. Take note of the serial number and the name.
step 6. Open notepad and make a .app file to be used on airvantage with the following code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <app:application xmlns:app="" type="PollutionEffect" name="Application" revision="0.0.1"> <capabilities> <communication> <protocol comm-id="SERIAL" type="MQTT" /> </communication> <data> <encoding type="MQTT"> <asset default-label="Room1" id="room1"> <variable default-label="Temperature" path="temperature" type="double"/> <variable default-label="Humidity" path="humidity" type="double"/> <variable default-label="Carbon dioxide" path="co2" type="int"/> <variable default-label="Dust" path="dust" type="int"/> <variable default-label="Carbon Monoxide" path="co" type="int"/> </asset> <asset default-label="Room2" id="room2"> <variable default-label="Temperature" path="temperature" type="double"/> <variable default-label="Humidity" path="humidity" type="double"/> <variable default-label="Carbon dioxide" path="co2" type="int"/> <variable default-label="Dust" path="dust" type="int"/> <variable default-label="Carbon Monoxide" path="co" type="int"/> </asset> <asset default-label="Kitchen" id="kitchen"> <variable default-label="Temperature" path="temperature" type="double"/> <variable default-label="Humidity" path="humidity" type="double"/> <variable default-label="Carbon dioxide" path="co2" type="int"/> <variable default-label="Dust" path="dust" type="int"/> <variable default-label="Carbon Monoxide" path="co" type="int"/> </asset> </encoding> </data> </capabilities> </app:application>
Next save it with .app extension like
Zip the file in an archive.
step 7. Go to Inventory > Systems.
Click on the "Create" action.
In the "Create System" dialog:
"Name" step: Specify an optional name for your system.
"Gateway" step: Click "Create gateway" and enter the identifier of the device in the "Serial Number" field.
"Subscription" step: You won't create nor use any.
"Applications" step: Click on "Release a new application" and upload the application package archive created in the previous step.
"Credentials" step: Enter the password used to authenticate the device.
Click on "Create".
In the grid, select the newly created system and click on the "Activate" action.
Thats all for setup.
The beaglebone is now ready to go.