- Individuals will be selected for the "In the Air" IoT Pollution Sensor Design Challenge (henceforth, "The Challenge") on the basis of quality of applications: we expect a full and complete description of why you want to take part in this challenge and your initial ideas for utilising the proposed kit effectively.
- Individuals selected for the Challenge will be required to blog about their projects on a weekly basis. Additional content such as videos and designs will be an added bonus when it comes to judging competitors.
- Failure by a selected individual to participate in accordance with the parameters of the Challenge, provided no reasonable cause for this inability to participate is given, may result in exclusion from future Road Tests and challenges.
- The final submission date for this challenge is January 30, 2015.
- This competition is not open to individuals employed by the Premier Farnell group of companies or Texas Instruments, Cisco, Keysight, Eclipse and Sierra Wireless organisations.