While assembling and placing the bird feeder, I suddenly realized an inherent risk of my project -- can I attract birds to the feeder? I optimized the location of the feeder for easy access to power, ease of refilling the seed, and defense against squirrels and raccoons. Turns out I accidentally followed a lot of available advice -- about 10 feet from evergreen cover, seeds sprinkled about the area, out of reach (i think) of squirrels. If we don't have some visitors in the next week, it will be time to take additional steps.
I'm still putting together the parts order from Newark. Hope to get that done soon and get my hands on the toys. Looking for some advice on a cheap camera I can attach to the device.
In the mean time, I'm going to head to http://www.ti.com/CC3200launchpadstart!
Here's the installed bird feeder: