Ok, I will confess: I'm probably the worst supply manager in the world. Not only did I get the wrong values and footprint for my resistors and capacitors on the receiver board, but I also noticed while assembling the transmitter that I had forgotten to order the most important part: the bq500212A Transmitter IC. After noticing I quickly went to the TI.com webpage to order a few samples. But, to my disgrace, it's out of stock and on backorder. Not a big deal I thought. I will have to buy a few. But neither Mouser nor Farnell sell these IC. And, here comes the problem, Digikey only sells them in 250+ quantity.
So I'm turning to any of you who might know where or how I could source at least one chip to test my board. Any ideas? If I'm not able to source one I will think about redesigning the transmitter board to work with another available transmitter IC, but taking board manufacturing into account I would certainly have problems getting it finished for the 27th of June.
Thank you!