The New Members Blog Series is a collection of blogs for new members to help them better understand the element14 roadtest program.
When you are chosen as a finalist for a roadtest, I send you a notification letter. You need to reply to me within a day that you can do the roadtest. I ask you about your availability for the roadtest. If you do not have the time under normal circumstances to complete the roadtest and post it on element14 by the 60-day due date, you should consider turning down the offer. I would then select an alternate. This is only fair since other people applied and they should be given a chance to get the free product if you are not able to fulfill the obligations of an official roadtester.
But if you respond to me and say you are available for the testing and review writing within the 60-day time period, I will assume you can complete the review.
So to answer the question posed: under normal circumstances there is little justification for not writing a review or posting a review late.
The question I pose implies that there can be out-of-the-ordinary circumstances beyond your control that would justify a late review. Yes there are. Let me go through them.
1. Health Issues: If you have an unexpected health issue or even if one of your family members gets sick, those things take priority in your life. If you could just send us an email to tell use what's going on, we will note it.
2. Personal Emergencies: If you have a personal emergency (that is not necessarily health-related), I think that justifies a late review. What's personal emergency? I recall a guy whose roof was severely damaged as a result of a tornado. It sounded like a disaster to me. Of course, that has to be dealt with immediately; a roadtest review can wait. We would extend the deadline without question.
3. Personal/Lifestyle Changes: If your wife just gave birth, I can imagine you would have your hands full with your new born. Just tell us, and we will extend the due date. Conversely, if you have a death in your family, just tell me and we will extend during your period of mourning.
4. COVID-Related: The past two years have been challenging. I recall a couple of times when students had to immediately leave campus and go back home. So, they were without the resources to conduct the roadtest back home. This also justifies a review posted beyond the due date.
5. Damaged Product: if you received a damaged product or the product is bricked, tell us. This would be a another justification for a late review.
I'm sure there are other valid reasons for a late review.
Since we do give extensions all the time, I feel there are few if any justification for not doing the review at all if you agree to it. If it turns out you can't do the review, you need to first tell us. Ideally, we would like to get the product back to give it to an applicant who can do the review. That's only fair.
I'm sure there are other justified reasons for having a late review. If in doubt, contact me or my assistant.