NXP I²C Fm+ Development Board Kit OM13320

Table of contents

The I²C Fm+ Development Board Kit OM13320 is a development tool which allows you to easily implement and debug both the hardware and software of an up to 1 MHz (Fm+) I²C system.image
  • Explore the I²C-bus
  • Run demonstrations of NXP’s I²C Fm+ Slaves and Bus Controllers
  • Develop I²C Hardware
  • Expand the kit with add-on I²C daughter cards
Designing with I2C Fm, which will focus on the features and functionality of the NXP OM13320 Fm+ Development Kit. Designing with I2C Fm.
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Terms & Conditions
  • Testers will be selected on the basis of quality of applications: we expect a full and complete description of why you want to test this particular product.
  • Testers are required to produce a full, comprehensive and well thought out review within 2 months of receipt of the product.
  • Failure to provide this review within the above timescale will result in the enrolee being excluded from future Road Tests.
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