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The Wiring Pi package
The Wiring PI package contains the GPIO utility which I can use from the Terminal to debug wiring issues.
The Wiring Pi package was not installed with my PI by default, so I needed to install it manually. Instructions to do so can be found here: wiringPi updated to 2.52 for the Raspberry Pi 4B. Basically the commands to be run from Terminal are:
cd /tmp wget sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb
GPIO Utility
Documentation for the GPIO utility is here: The GPIO utility. All I really need are the commands.
3gpio readall
To see the state of GPIOs
gpio -g mode <pin> out
To set up the pins as output
gpio -g write <pin> 0/1
To change the pin’s signal
Allow connection to PI desktop GUI without monitor
By default you cannot connect to Raspberry Pi desktop GUI if monitor is not connected. To allow the without monitor one need to:
sudo raspi-config
And change the following options in the config window:
System Options -> Boot Auto-Login -> select "Desktop Auto Login"
Display Option -> Resolution -> (set whatever resolution other than default)
Interface Options -> VNC -> Yes