Hi all ! Hope everyone is well and fine.
It has been a challenging couple of months . Thinking of the project, assembling the greenhouse, putting everything together, testing and production - it has been a wonderful ride.
Always had a special interest in hydroponics and this project was the perfect excuse to try it.
I know it's not scientifically accurate - but NASA has spent millions to be able to grow radish in the International Space Station - and I don't have that kind of budget - so, I took a bit of liberty - Assumed that gravity is present, either because we discovered how to manipulate the gravitons - or the more plausible method of centrifugal force - and there's gravity in the Space Craft. !
Probably aeroponics would be more easy method to use in Space without gravity.
Nonetheless, I had a ton of fun doing this and learn a lot - I really did learn a lot and was an opportunity to further my knowledge of Python. But, I didn't only learn from my work in the Space Vegetables Project. By reading your blog posts, I did learn too. Thank you !
Despite the ending of the project, I'm still going to keep the Space Vegetables project running. After all this time, effort and watching the plants grow, I'm expecting to make a salad with all the ingredients from the greenhouse !
And I'm still going to post here - probably not weekly, but every two weeks, for those interested - and if Element14 still allows it - the progress of the growth of the plants and my conclusions when comparing with vegetables from soil cultures.
Wife permitting ( ), I'm keeping the hydroponics kit working and developing further the software:
- a Graphical Interface - Always keeping in mind having the server in CLI - so, with a web interface.
- possibility to add more devices, pumps, sensors, etc..
- A more friendly configuration
- Developing a kind of dashboard, instead of relying in ThingSpeak
Hope everyone participating also had a ton of fun.
A very happy new year !
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