Here are my previous posts for the BBB Radio Challenge:
- Beaglebone Black Internet Radio Challenge - onebeartoe - Unboxing and Project Goals
- Beaglebone Black Internet Radio Challenge - onebeartoe - Installing FM Support
This project was really fun to work on. I hadn't used a BeagleBone Black before, and wish I could have used more if it GPIO features. I did have experience writing Java code for Raspberry Pi so that helped in terms of knowing about embedded Linux.
Another feature I wish I had more time for was a visual element; maybe in the next version.
Java proved to be a powerful tool to use in this project. Java provided access to the network, system commands, and enabled portable code.
Here is a demo of the project in action, inside of my first attempt at its enclosure. I want to call it RadioHead, but that might be trademarked.
Again the source code is available:
If you want to take a look at development builds, then here is a link to the build server:
See the last post (Installing FM Support) for system requirements to get this running on your Linux system.
Here are some photos of the enclosure build:
<html><head><title>Jive SBS</title></head>
<body><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
<b>Error</b><br><font size="-1">
An general error occurred while processing your request.
<html><head><title>Jive SBS</title></head>
<body><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
<b>Error</b><br><font size="-1">
An general error occurred while processing your request.
<html><head><title>Jive SBS</title></head>
<body><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
<b>Error</b><br><font size="-1">
An general error occurred while processing your request.
That last one is from before I added the 'smile'.
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