Hello all
I was able to get the RA8875 and the VS1053 to work with the Arduino UNO.
I also connected the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor and the ADXL335EB board to the MKR1000 to account for movement as well as distance from the MKR1000 itself.
I will be connecting both of these devices via the SDA/SCL connections for communications.
I took a photo just now of what is going on so far!
As you can see there are the touch screen buttons and I am scratching my head on how to get the image file off the SD card from the VS1053 to the TFT touch screen via the RA8875.
I have looked at code to do this but it doesn't work with my RA8875.
Also I need to just have the background be only one image file (a BMP file I already have) on the SD card ready to go.
Then when the "button" is pressed, it will play the audio file associated to that button. I tested the audio and it works and the blue buttons register X/Y touch coordinates.
I then need to get code to have the touch area to be over each part of the image that shows below on the display (it will replace the blue buttons at this time).
The border will be around each image (5 of them) that is on the BMP file similar to the buttons below.
Any assistance is appreciated.
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