In my introduction blog, I indicated that implementing block detection is something I have been giving some thought to. If the Current 6 Click solution meets the requirements, I will need to have a connection mechanism that will enable the device to integrate easily with the existing layout.
Currently, a section of the track rail is connected to the power bus using a Quick Wire Insulated Wire Terminal and Male Spade Connector Set. This is shown using the left rail section. The female connector is attached to the power bus bar cable and each rail section mates using a male connector. If a track rail section is removed the female connector stays attached to the power bus bar.
For easy insertion of the current monitor in any section of track rail, the proper connectors need to be installed on all connection ends so they will align with the existing ones. Using the drawing I can determine what connectors are required where. If the Current 6 Click device is removed, the connectors that remain will align so the track rail can be connected.