I wanted to give a reminder to all the participants of Experimenting with Flyback Transformers that it is worth writing the extra credit blogs.
We adopted a new scoring system. Each blog is individually scored. And it is a cumulative score.
Here's the scoring system:
The extra credit 5 blogs will also be individually scored, based on quality, with a 20-point perfect score based on a very high level of quality and thoroughness. A blog with more than one of the below characteristics would get an additive score, based on quality.
The following itemizes how these 5 blogs will be scored:
A blog that contains a decent unboxing or detailed photographs will get up to 20 points.
A blog that contains a deep-dive into the components will get up to 20 points.
A blog that contain a fair amount of information towards an actual experiment will get up to 20 points.
A blog that significantly helps newcomers to work with the technology will get up to 20 points.
A blog that contains a good quality video will get up to 20 points.
A blog that uses components in an application or prototype to test or experiment with them will get up to 20 points.