In my last post, I introduced and explained how to dweet from your raspberry pi. in this post, I'm going one step ahead and wiring together my Enocean-Py library with dweepy and start dweeting my Enocean sensor data.
Let's start dweeting
The whole idea is this - my raspberry pi, my first python script will first decode a received radio telegram with Enocean-Py and extract the rocker switch state. Then it will dweet this information to the public. On my desktop, I'll be running a second python script which will display as and when a new new dweet is posted by my raspberry pi. This demo utilizes the real time streaming capability of dweepy library and also showcases Enocean-Py library. As a word of caution, Enocean-Py is still under development and I recommend you always to update Enocean-Py before using it.( Details as in this post [FMN#03] : Decoding Enocean Protocol with Enocean Py )
Script for Raspberry pi
I'm assuming that you have already installed dweepy as explained in this post. First create a folder for this demo in your raspberry pi. Say this is '/home/pi/dweet_demo'. Now enter this directory and clone Enocean-Py repository by
git clone
Now create a file named '' and contents as below :
# demo_sender - a demo for using dweepy and enocean-py for dweeting enocean data. import sys import time import dweepy sys.path.insert( 0, "./Enocean-Py/src/" ); import EO import ESP ''' Function : main Description : main function Arguments : none Returns : none ''' def main(): print "\t\t*************************************************" print "\t\t** Forget Me Not 2014 - Dweeting demo **" print "\t\t** by vish **" print "\t\t*************************************************" ttyPort = "/dev/ttyAMA0" print "\tUsing serial port : " + ttyPort + '\n' hEOGateway = EO.connect( ttyPort ) # better to wait a little for connection to establish time.sleep( 0.100 ) # this is your thing ID, change accordingly thingId = "fmn2014_vish_raspberrypi" # this hash table holds our dweet message myDweet = {} try: while( True ): rawResp = EO.receiveData( hEOGateway ) if rawResp: pkts = ESP.decodeRawResponse( rawResp ) for pkt in pkts: myDweet = {} # clear old data myDweet['sender'] = 'enocean_py demo' # currently no response radio decoding is implemented in Enocean Py # I'm just checking whether the radio is from my rocker switch RORG = F6 # and then blindly checks for the bits set. if pkt['data_recv'][0] == 0xF6: # is this my rocker switch # assuming we got a radio telegram from rocker switch if pkt['data_recv'][1] == 0x70: print "Channel B : OFF ", myDweet['Channel B'] = 'OFF' if pkt['data_recv'][1] == 0x50: print "Channel B : ON ", myDweet['Channel B'] = 'ON' if pkt['data_recv'][1] == 0x30: print "Channel A : OFF ", myDweet['Channel A'] = 'OFF' if pkt['data_recv'][1] == 0x10: print "Channel A : ON ", myDweet['Channel A'] = 'ON' if pkt['data_recv'][1] == 0x00: print "Rocker Released.", myDweet['Rocker0'] = 'Released' dweepy.dweet_for( thingId, myDweet ); print "......dweeted" except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nExiting Demo" EO.disconnect( hEOGateway ) print "Bye..bye.. :) " if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Once you are done, you can save and close the file. Remember to change the 'thingId' to your thing's id.
Desktop Viewer
Now we'll create a desktop viewer application for viewing the dweets send by out beloved raspberry pi. What we will do is we'll use the realtime streaming capability of dweepy library and create a python script which will decode and show the dweet from raspberry pi.
Off course you need to install dweepy in your PC also.
Now create a new file name '' and copy paste these contents to the file.
# - a desktop application to view your thing's dweets import json import dweepy def main(): # replace with your thing Id thingId = "fmn2014_vish_raspberrypi" print "\t\t*************************************************" print "\t\t** Forget Me Not 2014 - Dweet Viewer **" print "\t\t** by vish **" print "\t\t*************************************************" for dweetJSON in dweepy.listen_for_dweets_from( thingId ): if type(dweetJSON) is int: continue dweet = json.loads( dweetJSON ) timeStamp = dweet['created'] content = dweet['content'] for items in content.keys(): print "At " + timeStamp + " \"" + items + "\" updated to \"" + content[items] + "\""; if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Save and close the file.
Running the demo
To run the demo, first start your '' script in your PC and then starting '' in your raspberry pi. Now press and release your demo switch and see what happens at both PC and raspberry pi.
Here is a video of demo running.
Happy hacking,