IQU is an entry in the Forget-Me-Not design challenge aimed at demonstrating Enocean sensors and how easy they are to use.
The project intro is here.
I have found the Enocean sensors to be most impressive in wireless sensing, smaller than I expected and powered only by small power scavenging devices.
There is a lot of software available to monitor these sensors, but this project demonstrates how easy it is to program your own applications to use these sensors. The sensors essentially send wireless messages to a host receiver that converts them into serial port messages, so any program that can handle serial port data can listen to sensor messages.
My application program simply displays a house image where the sensors status is an overlay graphic on the appropriate feature of the house. Here is an image of the house with no sensor indicators:
Here is a picture of the house showing all sensor indicating: rain, window open, door unlocked, coffee maker on, mail in the mailbox. This method of showing sensor status is intended to be very simple and intuitive.
The house sensor status image may also be accessed by a smart phone - shown in a couple of the videos below.
There are videos showing these sensors in action here:
Custom house sensing application written in VB6
I made a video explaining how to use Cadsoft Eagle to make a PCB to power a small video display
This project was simply outstanding from the point of view of sponsors supplying a phenomenal kit of materials and instrumentation. We all owe deep gratitude to the sponsors. The challenge subject was very interesting and topical, and there were some spectacular entries with extensive effort. I had difficulties in getting parts I wanted, but I learned a lot and had a great time exploring the technology in my project. I hope the entries from all the contestants have provided inspiration to other readers. I found everything in the supplied kit to be extremely useful and easy to use.
Just to illustrate how easy it was to make the Visual Basic application for this project the source code is shown here:
' Wireless Home Program
' written by Doug Wong
' 2014
'This program monitors wireless Enocean sensors using an Enocean USB300 Gateway
'and indicates status on an image of a house
'The following sensors are supported:
'Enocean STM320U wireless switch sensor monitoring a window
'Enocean STM330U wireless switch sensor monitoring rain
'Enocean STM330U wireless switch monitoring a doorlock
'Enocean STM330U wireless switch monitoring a mailbox
'Enocean PTM210 wireless self-powered switch monitoring a coffee maker
Public InBuff As String ' serial data received from the USB300
Public HouseNum As Integer ' house image number
Private Sub ClearHouse_Click() ' initiallize the screen to show a house with no sensors detected
house(HouseNum).Visible = False ' turn off the house image while setting it up
HouseNum = 0 ' set house image number to 0
HNum.Text = "0" ' indicate house number in a text box (invisible except during debugging)
house(HouseNum).Visible = True ' show house 0
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() ' initiallize the comm port for the USB300 Gateway
MSComm.CommPort = 4 ' set the comm port number to the number allocated by Windows to the USB300 Gateway
MSComm.PortOpen = True ' open the comm port
End Sub
Private Sub MSComm_OnComm() ' event driven comm port receive routine
Dim InBuffer As String ' buffer to store received characters
DoEvents ' allow CPU to carry out background tasks
If MSComm.CommEvent = comEvReceive Then ' create InBuff string of received characters
Do While MSComm.InBufferCount > 0 '
InBuffer = MSComm.Input
InBuff = InBuff & InBuffer
End If
Timer1.Enabled = True ' restart timer1 - if timer 1 times out it means no characters ' were received for 1 second indicating a full message has been received
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer() ' timeout on timer1 occurs when a full message has been received
' - time to determine what the message means
Dim LineNumber, i, ButtonNum, Hdigits, ReedNum As Integer
Dim ASCnum, DevNum, SideNum, InFID, OutFID, HouseN As String
Timer1.Enabled = False ' turn off timer1
' it is not needed again until this message has been handled
OutFID = "D:\A_work\projects\contests\iqu\web\house.jpg"
'set directory where the sensor status (house) image will be stored
For i = 1 To Len(InBuff) ' cycle through the message saving several key characters
ASCnum = Right("00" & Asc(Mid(InBuff, i, 1)), 3) ' get the next character
' pad with 0's to make debugging table uniform
If i = 8 Then SideNum = Val(ASCnum) ' the 8th character indicates which self-powered
' button caused the message
If i = 9 Then ReedNum = Val(ASCnum) ' the 9th character indicates if a reed switch
' closure caused the message
If i = 11 Then ButtonNum = Val(ASCnum) ' 11th byte is collected but not used yet
If i = 13 Then DevNum = ASCnum ' the 13th character indicates which type of
' device caused the message
LineText = LineText & " " & ASCnum ' collect ASCII values of characters
' for debugging
Next i
TLine = LineText ' show message as ASCII values for debugging
InBuff = "" ' empty the receive buffer
house(HouseNum).Visible = False ' turn house off while updating
If DevNum = 138 Then ' rain
If ReedNum = 0 Then ' momentarily show red dot - indicate a rain message was received
Sensor(0).BackColor = vbRed
HouseNum = HouseNum Or 8 ' add rain to the house status number (set "bit 4")
Timer2.Enabled = True ' timer2 turns the dot off after a couple of seconds
HouseNum = HouseNum And 23 ' remove rain from house status number (reset bit 4)
End If
End If
If DevNum = 129 Then ' doorlock (if 13th byte is 129 it is a doorlock message)
If ReedNum = 0 Then ' momentarily show red dot - a doorlock message was received
Sensor(1).BackColor = vbRed
HouseNum = HouseNum Or 2 ' add doorlock to the house status number (set "bit 2")
Timer2.Enabled = True ' timer2 turns indicator dot off after a second
HouseNum = HouseNum And 29 'remove doorlock from house status number(reset bit2)
End If
End If
If DevNum = 131 Then ' mail (if 13th byte is 131 it is a mail message)
If ReedNum = 248 Then ' momentarily show red dot -indicate a mail message received
Sensor(2).BackColor = vbRed
HouseNum = HouseNum Or 4 ' add doorlock to the house status number (set "bit 3")
Timer2.Enabled = True ' timer2 turns the dot off after a couple of seconds
HouseNum = HouseNum And 27 ' remove mail from house status number (reset bit 3)
End If
End If
If DevNum = 128 Then ' window (if 13th byte is 128 it is a window message)
If SideNum = 8 Then ' momentarily show blue dot - a window message was received
Sensor(3).BackColor = vbBlue
HouseNum = HouseNum Or 16 ' add window to the house status number (set "bit 5")
Timer2.Enabled = True ' timer2 turns the dot off after a couple of seconds
HouseNum = HouseNum And 15 'remove window from house status number(reset bit5)
End If
End If
If DevNum = 176 Then ' coffee (if 13th byte is 176 it is a coffee message)
If SideNum = 48 Then ' show blue dot to indicate a coffee on message was received
Sensor(4).BackColor = vbBlue
HouseNum = HouseNum Or 1 ' add coffee to house status number (reset bit 1)
End If
If SideNum = 16 Then
Sensor(4).BackColor = vbWhite
HouseNum = HouseNum And 30 ' remove coffee from house status number(reset bit1)
End If
End If
house(HouseNum).Visible = True ' show house with active sensor indicators
If HouseNum > 9 Then Hdigits = 2 Else Hdigits = 1 ' start converting house number to
' text for file name
HouseN = Right("0" + Right(Str(HouseNum), Hdigits), 2) ' house numbers go from 00 to 31
InFID = "D:\A_work\projects\contests\IQU\houses\house" + HouseN + ".jpg" ' make file name
FileCopy InFID, OutFID ' replace house file with new image showing current sensor status
HNum.Text = Str(HouseNum) ' place house number in text box
End Sub
Private Sub Timer2_Timer() ' timer 2 - when it is time to turn off a message indicator dot
Dim j As Integer
Timer2.Enabled = False ' turn off timer 2 - not needed until another message is received
For j = 0 To 3 ' turn off all indicator dots
Sensor(j).BackColor = vbWhite
Next j
End Sub