"Remember me always"
I bought a Raspberry Pi (RPi) when it was first released and I've only turned it on once or twice.
This "Forget Me Not" design challenge is a great opportunity to put it to good use.
"Now where did I put it?"
(Looking around) "There it is."
(Grab the box) The box is a bit light isn't it?
(Open box and gasp!) "Empty! Now what did I do with it."
(Looking around some more) "There it is! It's in a Zen state in the Qi area"
It's time for it to transcend and do some real work (until the Model B+ arrives).
Now following the RPi Getting Started Guide
- Find a candidate 8GB SDCard (I used a 8GB SanDisk Extreme III)
- Download SD Card Formatter (from sdcard.org)
- Download the latest NOOBS.zip file (from RPi)
- Format SD Card
- Extract and copy the files and folders from NOOBS.zip to SD Card
- Plug SDCard into the RPi
- Connect Keyboard (via USB) to RPi
- Connect Mouse (via USB) to RPi
- Connect to Monitor (via HDMI) to RPi
- And connect to Power (via - micro USB)
Nope, the RPi springs into life with a colourful image and a boot menu appears.
As per the Getting Started Guide I selected Raspian (with Scratch) and clicked the install
The RPi merrily installs it.
Upon reboot I eventually am presented with the Scratch application.
With the initial testing completed it is now time to configure the RPi for use with OpenHAB.
According to the OpenHAB site, the wheezy Raspian image is required.
To do this;
- Download Win32 DiskImager
- Download Wheezy Raspian Image
- Use Win32 DiskImager create image.
Insert SDCard into RPi and boot up
It boots up with an options menu - I selected Expand Filesystem and rebooted.
Logon as pi, raspberry and startx for GUI.
With it all working I'll just get side tracked for the moment and connect the RPi to my private IOT network and see if I can connect and control my PSoC 4 based IOT device.
- Assign a compatible IP address and associated parameters
- Connect RPi Ethernet to Ethernet Switch
- Ping IOT device
- Send command to IOT device
With it all working it's now time to install OpenHAB.