First an update on the PCB I mentioned in my last post.
The PCB came out really well and was useful in fitting the sensors. Below I have also attached the pictures of the STM330 fitted onto these boards.
Here are pictures of the PCB on both sides. In case any one wants the design drop me a PM I will send them with the gerber.
Although the PCB was great but I missed on one point. The 2MM connector that were suppose to hold the TCM320C were shorter than required.
The TCM320 has 16 pins but on the current PCB there are only 10 points so that was a no-go. I had an older proto PCB which I used as a backup to make the TCM320 setup.
You can look at this in the video that I have posted at the end of this post. I would be designing another board exclusively for the TCM320 since they would also need transistors to do the actual work.
So I would add a ULN2003 to help in controlling the Relays as well as to help light up the status LEDs. Also the TCM320 needs those LRN, CLR and Reset buttons to help in programming them.
The easy way out was to use the EOP 350 to program the module first, allowing it to learn the rockers and other IDs in the correct mode.
Then place it on the board where it controls the relays. This is exactly what I did to help me evaluate the TCM320 as a Sniffer and as a Mode 3 Actuator.
Here are some pictures of how the above PCB was used to fit the sensors. Actually the STM330 does not need any power or connection it just needs a fitment to sit on.
So, I use a small piece of the 1.27mm pitch female connector to just hold the sensor.
And here is how the sensor is fixed on. It works well without interference and tells me the room temperature.
I have checked for the 4BS messages from both using a TCM320C in sniffer mode from the Dolphin View Advance.
A big thanks again to EnOcean for helping me out and giving me ideas for this setup.
Now for the Real show, if this stuff can't control then its not worth the effort right - Since our goal in to answer those crucial Forget Me Not questions !!
Here is the video showing the EnOcean TCM320C module controlled by the PTM200C Rocker switches.
EnOcean Rocks !!
Now for the details on how I was able to do this.
As some of you might have seen I asked the questions about learning mode of the TCM320.
In practice the TCM320 is a very versatile module, it can perform in various modes of operation.
Among them the one that I have used here is the Mode 3 - the 4 Channel actuator configuration.
To get this mode one needs to connect a resistance divider of 10k from VDD and 3.3k to Ground at the ADIO0 pin.
This voltage divider sets the voltage in the correct range to enter the Mode 3 for TCM320.
Next press and hold (>0.5sec) the Clr button to clean up the previous configuration and enter the fresh learn mode.
At this time the Channel 0 LED would blink along with the Learn mode LED.
Press the desired rocker on the PTM200 module and the LED state of Channel 0 freezes.
Next press and hold (>0.5sec) the Lrn button to switch to the next channel. Like this 4 IDs for 4 channels can be programmed.
One must be careful that when the Channel LED freezes for a while - during learn mode, other rockers should not be pressed and the same rocker should also not be pressed.
In all these cases the ID might get erased or multiple. Also after a while the Channel LED that was frozen starts to blink.
But don't worry once the ID of the Rocker is registered in the memory it would be retained no need to program it again.
In the above video I have used the 2 rockers as there are 4 channels. I also have another 2 TCM320C modules.
One would be used as a range extender or Sniffer and the other TCM320 would control the pump, plus other actuators.
On the web interface side, I have the OpenHAB working. However still I am trying to figure out how to send out commands from events via the TCM310 EnOcean Pi module.
I will post an update once the next PCB for TCM320 is ready or the sending commands works from EnOcean Pi.