The Center Piece
A lot has happened in the last few weeks and I have not been able to post due to issue. The center piece is the RPi which is now a headless system where I had previously put up this...
Which has now been replaced....
I wanted to be portable so that if need be I can work with it as well. Also the system had "fit in" and the above design did not fit into our bed room. I started to by looking at build materials and came up with cardboard. I have a lot of old boxes and its time they were put to good use.
My concept was to have a center piece which looked like a skyscraper. I also wanted to have a notification light which looked like a Bat-Signal! Here is the build.
The final result is
The bottom is where the USB Speakers are and the Flash light at the top is the notifier Bat Signal. The PiFaceCAD is used to control basic operations as well as get messages.The EnOcean Pi is connected to the RPi via cable as:
There is also the EZ430 Dongle mentioned in my last post.
It works!
Waiting Platform
Just scrap wood put together in a frame and the Contact sensor strapped there. I did not spend anything on the project hence the result...
IOT Weighing Machine
No change from previous update. Its the circuit in a box.
I am not testing the load cell with the cylinder all the time because I think it is not a stable option. I have ordered 4 load cell which I will use to make a platform where we can put the LPG cylinder. I am using a vice to test and demo
Current Sensor
As mentioned previously, I moved the Current Sensor to the arduino Nano and used an RF module(433MHz) to send the data. No security required.
The case is the cardboard box the EnOcean Sensors came in
If the PCBs arrive in time I will demo the MSP430 version of the circuit.
Arduino MQTT Control with RF receiver.
I have an arduino uno with an Ethernet shield acting as an MQTT Client. additionally It is connected to a PIR sensor which indicates presence at the workbench. An RF receiver is connected so that it reads the Current Measurement Value from the above module and then posts it via MQTT. OpenHAB then logs these into a MySQL database.
The second PCB is an older design where I use a switching Regulator to generate the required 5Vs. The relays work off 12 volts and are:
Simple BC547s to drive relays. They work and I will upgrade to wireless sockets soon. These are working good though.
Met System
The only part of my project which is still being modified. I have the MQTT Client running successfully with and then I tried xively and then my own little server. I am in the process of writing rules for openhab which will allows me to bounce data from to OpenHAB making the MET system a true IOT.
RPi Rover
Rpi + RPiSoC + L298 + motors + RPiCAM = RPiRover
Its a casserole with a tennis ball cut in half and uses separate batteries for the RPi and Motors. QI charging not shown is part of the buck boost converter since the output of the QI Charger is 5V DC.
There is a definite lag but its manageable and the system is usable. Suggest names please!?
I am using the Rocker switch to control Lights at my workbench manually as well as in Automatic mode to switch them off. I can cut power to the soldering station as well but I want to use better relays which I have ordered from Ebay and will reach when they reach. I am also logging temperatures from my bedroom and kitchen to observe patterns. There is a definite relationship with sunrise and sunset as I have discovered.
Window sensors are also installed but not very useful since my MET system uses manually set data instead of real time data. This is attributed to the fact that I have no more money to put into remaking the met hardware. I will order a station from sparkfun sometime in the future.
I am moving to a few more features for the system and testing existing system in parallel. Logistics are a problem and PCBs I designed are still in limbo. Hoping I get more get done.